Here are 10 interesting facts about Vladimir Putin.

The entire world is watching Vladimir Putin today. Here are 10 lesser-known facts about him.

Number 10: Putin has two daughters with his former wife of 30 years, Lyudmila Putina. Very little is known about the 20-somethings, Maria and Yekaterina, including where they actually live or what they actually look like.

Number 9: It is rumored that Putin's net worth could be up to 70 billion dollars - a big chunk of that comes from his stake in the energy trading industry.

Number 8: Putin played the piano and then sang "Blueberry Hill" during a 2010 children's charity event in St. Petersburg.

Number 7: In 2008, Putin was credited for saving the lives of a television crew from a Siberian tiger. Later, it was revealed that the whole thing was staged in order to "draw public attention to the problem."

Number 6: Putin earned his first black belt in judo when he was 18 years old. In 2013, at 61, he earned his ninth black in the sport, surpassing Chuck Norris who only holds an eighth-degree black belt.

Number 5: Putin has been made a superhero a few times over. A web-based comic strip called "Super Putin, Man Like Any Other" debuted in 2011 and a 2013 mobile game called, "You Don't Mess with Putin", has the Russian leader fighting and killing zombies.

Number 4: The Russian President who is always shown as confident and tough was just the opposite when trying to speak English, as shown in a video bidding for the World Expo in 2020.

Number 3: Putin, a dog lover, has reportedly used his Labrador, Koni, to intimidate in political summits. During a meeting with German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, Putin had Koni lie at her feet for photos. Merkel is well-known for having a fear of dogs.

Number 2: President Putin's grandfather was a cook, who at one point, worked for both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin.

Number 1: In 2012, Putin signed a law banning Americans from adopting Russian children. Americans had adopted close to 1,000 Russian children the previous year, more than any other country.

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