10 Future Weapons That Need To Be Banned. These ten weapons might seem like the stuff of science fiction, but they could easily become a...
10 Worst Prisons In History
How far should you go to keep dangerous criminals in check? From inmates turning to cannibalism, to the modern day dungeon that practices...
Top 10 Weird and Unusual Shaped Boats
Looking back I have been to rather a lot of boat shows and events for someone who doesn’t know how to swim and doesn’t own a boat. But if I...
10 Weirdest Festivals From Around The World
"From the Japanese penis festival to the annual goat throwing festival in Spain, these bizarre festivals from around the world are bui...
10 Things You Didn't Know About Superman
The man of steel is the world's most iconic superhero, but did you know that Superman helped bring down the real life KKK, or that hi...
10 Strangely Cool British Traditions Still Practiced Today
In modern times many customs have been cast aside, existing only in stories about how things used to be. Not all of them, though. Here are 1...
Top 10 Times the Simpsons Predicted the Future
The world's favourite family have been bracing our screens for over 15 years, but did you know abouttheir secret talent for predicting t...
10 Surprising Ways To Offend People In Other Countries
Planning a summer vacation abroad? Then don't offend the locals. Here are 10 seemingly innocent ways of offending people in other countr...
10 Unfortunately-Named Products
Fancy a bowl of cock soup for dinner? Maybe you'd also enjoy some of these 9 other unfortunately named products too..
10 Political Sex Scandals
Politics is messy business, but even more so when the leaders of the country get embroiled in a sex scandal. From a murdered mistress, to ma...
10 Most Evil Teachers
Forget Professor Snape... From spiking their student's oreos with sedatives to setting up a baby fight club, AllTime10s brings you the 1...
Top 10 Weird and Deadly Phobias
Phobias are defined as a persistent irrational fear of specific objects, activities, or situations that leads to a compelling desire to avoi...
10 Deadliest Poisons
10 deadliest poisons. This list contains ten of the most lethal poisons and substances in the world | planet earth known to humanity. Do you...
10 Photos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind
10 photos that prove you have a dirty mind. This list contains ten pictures you have to look at twice, but in fact these images are harmless...
10 Failed Terrorist Attacks
The rise of terrorism has shaken the world in recent years, but thankfully, hundreds of planned attacks never came to light. From explosive ...
Top 10 Deadliest Snipers Of All Time
Chris Kyle Silent, hidden, and maybe even a little romantic; Welcome to the world of snipers, among the most feared soldiers in modern war. ...
Top 10 Child Celebrities Who Went Crazy
Becoming a Hollywood Star at a young age can have various different impacts on people; the pressure to become successful, skipping ones enti...
Top 10 Weirdest Museums Around The World
We've scoured the globe in search of the strangest and weirdest museums on Earth only to find passionate people behind them that are ded...
Top 10 Worst Marriage Proposal Fails
Love is in the air, and when people are in love, they can do some pretty ridiculous things. Case and point, these 10 marriage proposals, whi...