Who doesn’t want to be stylish and gorgeous? All of us want the complete package. We follow the latest trends from the runways; we buy expensive clothes, we dream to look like catwalk models. No doubt the fashion world is incredible, but sometim…

Cube House in Rotterdam
The Cubic Houses are a curious and magnificent architectural wonder located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. They were conceived and constructed by architect Piet Bl…

Fangweng – China’s Cliff-Hanging Raestaurant
Trekking in the mountains generally means having to survive on packaged food; but not if you’re in China. There’s a particular mountain in the Hubei Province…

Japan's Fruit-Shaped Bus Stops
Photo credit Bus stops come in all shapes and sizes. In the small Japanese town of Konagai, in the outskirts of Isahaya, in Nagasaki Prefecture, they come in f…

Castellfollit de la Roca - A Beautiful Mountain Village in Spain
Castellfollit de la Roca - A Beautiful Mountain Village in Spain — Castellfollit de la Roca in Spain is one of the smallest towns, towering over the surroundin…

Daily life in India is very different then a tourist paradise
India annually takes huge crowds of tourists, but the situation in the country is getting worse. Gradually the sacred country turns into a life-trash. …

Chodovar Brewery, Beer Spa and Restaurants
Waiters bring beer lovers pints of locally brewed pilsner at the Chodovar Brewery and spa. In the Czech Republic, renowned world-wide for its healing mineral w…

13 Amazing Unreal Places
Here are 13 amazing places on earth that are definitely worth adding to your bucket list. The world is filled with surreal beauty, both natural and man made.…

Museum of Bad Art
The Museum of Bad Art (MOBA) is a privately owned museum whose stated aim is "to celebrate the labor of artists whose work would be displayed and appreciated i…

The smallest village
The village of Bourton-on-Water in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, is the smallest village by the size of its houses and not by the number of its people. …

The English atmosphere hidden in Japan: Yufuin Floral Village
Apart from its incredible history and well preserved culture, Japan hosts some of the most wonderful places that very few know about. While the bonsai art an…

Montreal Biosphere
Photo credit: leo gonzales/Flickr The Montreal Biosphere, located on Saint Helen's Island in Montreal, Canada, is a museum dedicated to the environment. It w…

Hamilton Pool
Just 23 miles west of Austin, Texas, is a breathtaking natural oasis emerging out of the hill country chaparral. Hamilton Pool is a natural spring formed in …

Kochi (Cochin), India
Kochi (colonial name Cochin) is a vibrant city situated on the south-west coast of the Indian peninsula in the breathtakingly scenic and prosperous state of Ker…

Japan: Kupanje u vinu
Japanci se kupaju u bazenu koji je ispunjen vinom i toplom termalnom vodom u japanskom termalnom centru "Kowakien Yunesseun". Bazen se konstantno puni vinom, do…

The Stinking Rose – San Francisco’s Garlic-Centered Restaurant
If your idea of a perfect meal is garlic, garlic and more garlic, The Stinking Rose restaurant should definitely be on your itinerary the next time you’re in Sa…

Zorba the Greek flashmob
The Ottawa Greek Community put on a Greek dance flash mob in the Byward market to promote the 2011 Ottawa Greek Festival. The weather held out and we all had a …

Autobusom kroz najopasniji put na svijetu!
Ako želite da obiđete zabačene djelove najvišeg planinskog vijenca na svijetu ovo je jedini put. "Dolazak do planine je uzbudljiv kao i penjanje uz njih", piše …

Traktorom do Južnog pola
Holanđanka Manon Osevort (38) nakon što je prešla cio afrički kontinent, odlučila je da svoju avanturu nastavi do Južnog pola. Kada su je pitali kako ljudi reag…

Brijuni National Park - The Hidden Paradise
Područje koje se posebno ističe svojom neizmjernom ljepotom prirodnih vrijednosti i sačuvanih ekoloških sustava je upravo Nacionalni park Brijuni za čiju je pro…

Camp Wandawega In Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Seems like every week we’re seeing someone in our social media circles boldly announce “That’s it people! I’m going off the grid!” It’s then usually 18-24 hour…

The Loneliest Phone Booth on Earth
Once upon a time, a very isolated phone booth stood alone in the Mojave Desert in California for almost 40 years. This is its story…“Hello! Are you answering fr…

Wellington Helicopter Tours, Heli Flights, New Zealand
As you circle the fringe of Wellington Harbour you will see first hand not only the incredible tectonic landscape that encompasses this beautiful city, but the …

Henderson Waves Bridge Singapore
The highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore. This 9 km structure connects Mount Faber Park with Telok Blangah Hill Park. [link]Foto fromgoogle_ad_client = "ca-pu…

Hotel Everland, Paris
Everland Hotel was designed by Swiss architects Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann, the hotel is located in spectacular places around the world.The Hotel Everland i…

Skinny House
The Skinny House at 44 Hull Street in the North End of Boston, Massachusetts, USA, is an extremely narrow four-story house reported by the Boston Globe as havin…

Clown Motel
Located in Tonopah, Nevada, this motel’s name makes it pretty clear why it appears on our list. Fear of clowns (coulrophobia) is one of the most common phobias …

Termas Geometricas
Nestled in an almost unbelievably lush forest canyon in Chile, the hot spring spa known as Termas Geometricas is a stunning maze of red planks that wind through…

Montreal Botanical Gardens
While Montreal is Quebec’s largest city, the densely populated locale is much more than a concrete jungle. In fact, the Canadian city is home to one of the worl…

Monowi, Nebraska. Population: 1
The population sign outside the town reads “1.” The one refers to Elsie Eiler, 77.That makes Monowi, Nebraska the smallest incorporated town in America.Monowi i…

Green Magic Treehouse, Vythiri, Kerala, India
Deep in the remote Wayanad jungle, in the Indian state of Kerala, travellers interested in getting a bird's eye view on their surroundings might want to try one…

The Biggest Tree House Ever Made
This has to be every children’s dream; a gigantic tree house. The self-taught carpenter and landscape architect Horace Burgess built this great tree house in Cr…

Dallol - ghost town - Ethiopia
Dallol was a settlement in the Dallol woreda of northern Ethiopia.Located in Administrative Zone 2 of the Afar Region in the Afar Depression, it has a lat…

The Wisteria Flower Tunnel at Kawachi Fuji Garden
Located in the city of Kitakyushu, Japan, Kawachi Fuji Garden is home to an incredible 150 Wisteria flowering plants spanning 20 different species. The garden’s…
Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan
Hitachi Seaside Park is a public park in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki, Japan.Covering an area of 190 hectares, the park features blooming flowers around the year.The pa…

Heliotrop Rotating House
The Heliotrope is Germany’s first eco and energy-friendly rotating house. Designed by architect Rolf Disch this is the first PlusEnergy house in the world. The …

Putovao 26 godina svijetom
Putovao 26 godina svijetom, obišao 215 zemalja i u svom autu prešao 890 hiljada kmGunther Holtorf je 1988. godine ostavio posao u Lufthansi pa krenuo na putovan…

Gamirasu Cave Hotel, Turkey
The Gamirasu Cave Hotel in Cappadocia Turkey is unlike any other. Located in an area where its inhabitants have lived for nearly 5 thousand years, this cave hot…

Bloody Red Laguna Colorada in Bolivia
Laguna Colorada, Bolivia. Also known as the red lagoon, the shallow salt lake lies in southwest Bolivia, on the border of Chile. Photo by Matt WalkerIt is found…

Doomed Belgian Village Strives for Salvation by Inviting Street Artists into the Ghost Town
Despite the fact that Doel has existed for more than 700 years, this small village will soon be erased in order to make way for the constantly expanding Antwerp…

Grad anđela kakav još niste vidjeli
Los Anđeles je konačno dobio video klip koji zaslužuje. Predstavljen je u njegovom pravom svetlu, zbog čega i jeste jedan od najpopularanijih gradova među ljudi…

Hofskirkja - last turf church -Hof, Iceland
Hof, in Öræfi, is a small village in southeast Iceland, approximately 30 kilometers east of Vatnajökull, and 20 kilometers south of the Skaftafell National Park…

''Najopasnija staza na svijetu'' se ponovo otvara za turiste
Caminito del Rey, staza koju mnogi nazivaju ''najopasnijom stazom na svijetu'', naredne zime biće ponovo otvorena za turiste koji posjete Španiju nakon rekonstr…

Dimitrios shipwreck
Dimitrios (Greek Δημήτριος) is a Greek shipwreck famous due to its picturesque location on an easily accessible sandy beach near Gythio, Greece."Dimitrios" (pre…

Avenue of the Baobabs
The centuries old trees lining both sides of this dirt road may become Madagascar's first natural monumentThe dirt road linking Morondava and Belo Tsiribihina i…

Famadihana: Dancing with the Dead
Famadihana is a funerary tradition of the Malagasy people in Madagascar. Known as the turning of the bones, people bring forth the bodies of their ancestors fro…

Floating Forest, Australia
Homebush Bay, Sydney, Australia. Image by Andy BrillIn the west side of Sydney there is a 102 year old ship, which has turned into what is now known as a F…

Gunther Holtorf's 23-year road trip
Back in 1989, as the Berlin Wall fell, Gunther Holtorf set out on what was meant to be an 18-month tour of Africa in his Mercedes Benz G Wagen. Now, with more t…

Ostrvo zečeva u Japanu prava turistička atrakcija
Ostrvo Okunišima u Japanu, u razdoblju između 1929. i 1945. godine, služio je za proizvodnju hemijskog oružja. Danas je to turistička atrakcija, poznata po zeč…
Bodie, California: Best Ghost Town In The West!
Bodie is a ghost town in the Bodie Hills east of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Mono County, California, United States, about 75 miles (121 km) southeast o…

Great Salt Lake Causeway, USA
The causeway running across the Great Salt Lake, Utah, was built in the 1950s by the Morrison-Knudsen construction company for the Southern Pacific Railroad as …

Maunsell Sea Forts
Rising from the water like rusty invaders out of H.G. Wells, the Maunsell Army Forts in the Thames Estuary are decaying reminders of the darkest days of World W…

Iz vode izronio grad potopljen više od pola stoljeća!
Zbog padanja razine vode rijeke Volge, izronio je grad Mologa, potpuno potopljen 1940-ih tijekom izgradnje hidroelektrane Rubinsk.Da 14. srpnja 1935. nije dones…

Solar Furnace, Odeillo, France
A solar furnace is a structure that uses concentrated solar power to produce high temperatures, usually for industry. Parabolic mirrors or heliostats concentrat…

Floating Skate Ramp, USA
In 2013 Visit California asked pro skateboarder Bob Burnquist to dream big and try something completely new. After having skated on pretty much every surface im…

Ludi japanski "Robot Restaurant"
Vjerovatno da pod kapom nebeskom nema luđeg mjesta od Robot Restauranta koji se nalazi u tokijskom Shinjuku. Izraz "restaurant" tumačite vrlo slobodno jer je ri…

Blagaj (Mostar, BiH)
Blagaj is a village-town (kasaba) in the south-eastern region of the Mostar basin, in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton of Bosnia and Herzegovina.It stands at the …

"Misteriozno jezero" pojavilo se usred pustinje u Tunisu
Lokalno stanovništvo Gafse na jugu Tunisa prijatno se iznenadilo kada su usred pustinje zatekli potpuno novu plažu. Jezero su odmah nazvali Gafsa Beach i kupan…

The Tri-Colored Crater Lakes of Kelimutu, Indonesia
Kelimutu is a small, but well-known volcano in central Flores Island of Indonesia, close to the small town of Moni about 50 km to the east of Ende. At the summi…

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!
WikiMapia or Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative mapping project that aims to mark and describe all geographical objects in the world. It combines an int…

Beach Rock Treehouse (Okinawa/ Japan)
High above the ground in Japan's Okinawa forest lies the Beach Rock Tree house. It was built by tree house creator Kobayashi Takashi – originally to communicati…

Secret Pool in the Mojave Desert
When it's hot, city dwellers begin to have a certain look of desperation: That single-minded determination to access the sweet summer relief of a pool. Well, he…

Kumbuk Hotel
Kumbuk River Resort, Sri LankaThis Sri Lankan eco-resort has a very noticeable eco-tourism theme. It sits near its namesake river bordering Yala National Park, …

Le Passe-Muraille
The Passe-Muraille, or "Passer through Walls" is an homage to a famous work of French literature by the same name which immortalizes the novel's tragic finale w…

Happy Rizzi House
Described as "the happiest house on earth," the Happy Rizzi House (Rizzihaus) in Brunswick is a day-glo masterpiece of cartoon-inspired architecture set smack i…

Pink lake (Hiller Lake )
An Australian lake whose pink hue defies scientific explanationFrom a distance, Lake Hillier of Australia's Recherche Archipelago looks like a swath of solid bu…

Stanovnici ovog grada žive pod zemljom
Coober Pedy, gradić u Australiji je poznat kao svjetska prijestonica opala, koji je još kod starih Grka i Rimljana važio za simbol nade i nevinosti. Najskuplji …

Evening in Mostar /BiH
Mostar is a city and municipality in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Inhabited by 113,169 people,it is one of the most important cities in the Herzegovina regi…

Pogledajte kako će izgledati stadioni na SP-u u Kataru!
Katar za Mundijal 2022. gradi deset stadiona, od kojih će sedam biti potpuno novih, a tri će proći obnovu i povećanje kapaciteta Afere oko dodjele organizacije …

Pogledajte kako izgleda spuštanje niz najviši vodeni tobogan na svijetu
Tobogan naziva 'Verrukt' (Lud), najviši je vodeni tobogan na svijetu - 51 metar.Najviši tobogan na svijetu smješten je u vodenom parku Kansas Cityju, u SAD-u. O…

Šta je iskrivilo stabla u maloj šumi u Poljskoj?
U ovoj šumi nalazi se oko 400 borova koji rastu zakrivljeni pod uglom od 90 stepeni. Pravi razlog ovog fenomena još nije poznat. “Iskrivljena” ili “Kriva” šuma …

Grad koji ima pamtljivo ime: Kraće od ovoga ne može
Norveški grad prava je suprotnost selu Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch čije je ime sastavljeno od čak 58 slova.Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgo…

Crvena plaža u Panjinu (Red Beach in Panjin - China)
Ovdje obalno područje nije prekriveno kamenitim ili pjeskovitim plažama, već morskom travom koja je zaslužna za rijetki i čarobno vatreni crveni krajolik.Svake …

Adrere Amellal, Siva, Egipat
Zamislite palatu u sred pustinje i imaćete utisak kako Adrere Amelal izgleda. Ovo mjesto se nalazi u sred saharske oaze Siva i udaljena je osam prašnjavih sati …

Boeing 727 transformed into luxury hotel suite in Costa Rica
Had Oceanic Flight 815 not wound up on the beach, perhaps the cast of Lost would’ve just been chillin in the trees like this Boeing 727 Hotel Suite in Costa Ric…

Coney Island Hot Dog Stand
Coney Island Colorado (commonly The Coney Island) in Bailey, Colorado is a 1950s diner shaped like a giant hot dog, with toppings. The building has been called …

Ovo je najgori hotel na svijetu i vlasnici su ponosni na to
Sobe su prljave, nema tople vode, a uprava hotela podstiče goste da se umjesto peškirima, nakon tuširanja obrišu (vjerojatno prljavim) zavjesama. U svakoj drug…

Thousands watch the cheese rolling competition in England
This is the bumpy new perspective of England's historic annual cheese-rolling contest. Thousands of people gathered on Cooper's Hills near Brockworth in Glouces…

Bambu Indah, Bali, Indonesia
Bambu Indah is a radically distinctive eco-luxury boutique hotel in Ubud, on the Indonesian island of Bali. At the unique escape you can stay at one of the magi…

Bob's Java Jive - Giant Coffee Pot
The Java Jive was built in 1927 along what was once Highway 99, and was originally called "The Coffee Pot Restaurant."At some point in the Java Jive's long life…

Beer Can House
The Beer Can House is a folk art house in Rice Military, Houston, Texas,covered with beer cans, bottles, and other beer paraphernalia.Houstonian John Milkovisch…

Travel Sahara Desert, North Africa - Tour of Life in The Sahara Desert
Take a tour of Life in the Sahara Desert in Morocco -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.Almost as large as Europe, it is…

Ovo su gradovi koje biste trebali zaobići na putovanjima (ako se želite vratiti živi)
Divno je putovati svijetom i upoznavati nove kulture i običaje, no neka su mjesta toliko opasna da se turistima savjetuje da tamo nikako ne idu. Huffington Post…

Arty Toilet Buildings in Japan
Arty Toilet Buildings in Japan

The Beer Moth Truck Hotel Room
When it comes to the perfect weekend getaway, we can’t imagine the thought of a 1956 Commer Q4 is at the top of list – or even on the list for that matter. We t…

'Oči u oči' s jednim od najvećih strahova!
Tilt je napravljen od stakla i čelične platforme.Posjetioci Chicaga, ali samo oni hrabri, od ovog tjedna imaju na raspolaganju novu atrakciju – 300 metara visok…

Khaju most, Iran (Najljepši mostovi svijeta)
Most Khaju se nalazi u provinciji Isfahan u Iranu. U vrijeme kada je izgrađen, on je služio i kao most preko rijeke Zajande, ali i kao brana, zgrada i mjesto …

The Manta Resort's Underwater Room Off Pemba Island, Tanzania
Imagine yourself in a bedroom encapsulated within a turquoise blue bubble, watching shoals of reef fish swimming lazily by - sometimes in three or four layers o…

La Balade Des Gnomes – Belgium’s Fairytale Hotel
If you’re looking to take a break from your everyday life and retreat in a fairytale world, there’s probably no better place than La Balade des Gnomes, near the…

Angkor Wat, Cambodia • 360° Aerial Panorama
Cambodia, exotic state in Southeast Asia, dates back to 612 AD. Its most famous monument is the temple complex of Angkor Wat, but it's not the only thing to …

10 Coolest New Roller Coasters for Summer, 2014
Check out 10 of the coolest new rollers coasters.Finally, summer is almost here. That means cookouts, road trips and of course visits to amusement parks. In pre…

Japanski grad naseljen lutkama
Mali grad Nagoro u Japanu bio je dom velike kompanije i stotina ljudi. Sada ovdje živi 37 stanovnika. Nagoro je i dom za veliki broj plišanih lutki u prirodnoj …

Evo kako izgleda let do Londona za bogataše
Putnici na ovom letu u kabini koja podsjeća na smještaj u luksuznom hotelu, imat će na raspolaganju dnevni boravak, spavaću sobum kupaonicu ali i osobnog butler…

TV Travel Magazine: Ostrvo Hvar
Najduže ostrvo na Jadranu je Hvar. Nalazi se južno od Brača i sinonim je za vinograde, maslinjake i lavandu. Na Hvaru su odlično uređena ljetovališta u kojim go…

25 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan.Tokyo, Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and ther…

Secret Hemloft Treehouse Cabin in Canada
What started off as a secret treehouse project by Joel Allen has become the inspiration for treehouse cabins all around the globe. After featuring this thing on…
Vodimo vas u pariški zoološki vrt
U šest godina preuređivanja uloženo 167 miliona euraZoološki vrt u Parizu otvoren je nakon čak šest godina radova vrijednih 167 miliona eura. Parc Zoologique de…

The Katskhi Pillar – Stairway to Heaven
U sedmom stoljeću, redovnici sagradili samostan na vrhu prirodnog kamena stupa izvan Chiatura, Gruzija. To je bio korišten od strane Stylites - Christian asketa…

CN Tower Toronto
The CN Tower (French: Tour CN) is a 553.33 m-high (1,815.4 ft) concrete communications and observation tower in Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada.[3][6] Built o…

Najgori hotel na svijetu
Jedan od najgorih hotela na svjetu je zasigurno Hotel Hans Brinker Budget u Amsterdamu. Sobe su prljave, nema tople vode i posjetioci se vrlo lako mogu razbolje…

TV Travel Magazine: Costa Deliziosa 2.dio
Costa Deliziosa is a cruise ship flagship operated by Costa Crociere. Ordered in 2007 as part of a five-ship expansion of the Costa Cruises Fleet, Costa Delizio…

Bizarre cemetery restaurant where diners sit with DEAD people
In a land like India, where life and death intertwine so naturally, and reincarnation is such an important part of religion, what better place to build a restau…

U ovom restoranu se jede pored leševa
Restoran "Nova sreća" nalazi se u Indiji, a njegov vlasnik kaže da je izgradio svoj ugostiteljski objekat na vjekovima starom muslimanskom groblju. Prema njegov…

Aquaduct Veluwemeer, Netherlands
Aquaduct Veluwemeer is an underwater underpass in Netherlands that is located under a small part of the lake Veluwemeer and connects the mainland Netherlands to…

Lake Chagan, The Atomic Lake Filled With Radioactive Water
During the hey days of Cold War, the Soviet started blowing up nukes all over northeastern Kazakhstan to investigate the possibility of using nuclear power for …

Takeda Castle Ruins – Japan’s Breathtaking Castle in the Sky
If you’ve read the Harry Potter series, then you’re probably familiar with Durmstrang Institute – a perfectly hidden school in the mountains for dark witches an…

The Swimming Pigs of Big Major Cay, in the Bahamas
Just north of Staniel Cay in the Outer Exumas is Big Major Cay. On this small, uninhabited island, there's a group of feral pigs. The pigs are regularly fed by …

Postoji otok na Bahamima na kojemu uživaju samo - svinje
Prema lokalnoj legendi, svinje su na taj dio Bahama dospjele nakon što su ih iskrcali mornari koji su se po njih htjeli vratiti i iskoristiti ih za hranu. Nisu …

V8 Hotel-Meilenwerk,Stuttgart
Svaki ljubitelj automobilizma poželit će da posjeti ovo neobično mjesto. Izuzetno originalan, hotel „V8″, koji se nalazi u Štutgartu, u Njemačkoj, posjeduje te…

Htio prehodati od Pekinga do Njemačke, nakon 4500 kilometara odlučio vratiti svoj život
Christoph Rehage odlučio je samo početi hodeti te je krenuo iz Pekinga. Nakon godinu dana hodanja, odlučio je stati i prekinuti šetnju u Urumqiju, nakon prijeđe…

This Is The Most Beautiful Beach In Greece
We know, we know. You're thinking to yourself, "Come on, guys, another pretty beach?" And we totally understand but look. at. this:Navagio has been called the p…

Dugi otok, duga priča
Kako iz samog imena proizlazi da je otok dug, duga je i priča.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = …

Najsretnija kuća na svijetu
Najsretnija kuća na svijetu zove se Sretna Rizzi kuća i nalazi se u njemačkom Braunschweigu. Obnovljena je pred 13 godina, a zaslužni su arhitekt Konrad Kloster…

Najneobičniji tuneli na svijetu
Tuneli su uglavnom ljudske tvorevine koje prolaze kroz planine i brda. No, postoje tuneli diljem svijeta koji imaju neobičnu svrhu, izgled ili lokaciju. Evo nek…

Oasis of the Seas : World's Largest Cruise Ship
Oasis of the Seas : World's Largest Cruise Ship - Full Documentary Take a firsthand tour inside the world's largest and most revolutionary cruise ship, Oasis of…

Hostel koji nudi najgori smještaj na svijetu
Premda vjerojatno postoje i stravičnije rupe za noćenje, Hans Brinker Budget Hotel trudi se gostima ponuditi najgori smještaj na svijetuHans Brinker Budget Hote…

Oresundski most (Öresund Bridge)
Oresundski most (Švedski: Öresundsbron, Danski: Øresundsbroen, službeno Øresundsbron) je kombinirani most-tunel nad Oresundskim vratima koji povezuje gradove Ko…

Ceramic house built in Colombia
This is a ceramic house built in Colombia by the architect Octavio Mendoza.Ceramic houses are made by sculpting the building out of clay (or using adobe blocks)…

America’s Most Artistic Parking Garage
The city of Detroit is home to the most artistic, most magnificent car park in America. The opulent structure that was once known as Michigan Theater is now bei…

The Kettle House, Galveston, Texas, USA
The Kettle House is situated in Galveston, Texas near to the Gulf Of Mexico. Most structures listed here are on “stilts” but not his one. However despite variou…

Flavors of Turkey (Discovery Channel)
The beautiful flavors of TURKEY a Discovery channel documentary Cappadocia Guide:

The Unseen Sea
A collection of time lapses I took around the San Francisco Bay Area roughly shot over the period of one year.from Simon Christen

Ovo je zvanični centar svijeta
Prema tekstu koji je objavio list „New York Times“ čitaoci su mogli da saznaju da se zvanični centar svijeta nalazi u gradiću Felicity u Kaliforniji. Ovaj grad …

With its vast and diverse landscape, South Africa is probably one of the most beautiful and exciting tourist destinations in the world. The country’s famous Kru…

U ovom restoranu čekate 5 godina na mjesto
U restoranu Bistro u podrumu služe se autentični specijaliteti koji se ne mogu naći ni na jednom drugom mjestu, a jedan od popularnijih je sladoled od patlidžan…

The Steel House, Ransom Canyon, TX, USA
Architect and sculptor, or as he describes himself on his website "Architectural sculptor and artist", Robert Bruno created the "Steel House" over the course of…

Singing in the rain! Building that plays music whenever the heavens open becomes tourist attraction
This singing wall has tourists braving stormy weather to listen to its music, composed only when skies are grey.An intricate system of drains and funnels is att…

Japanese Igloo Festival – Kamakura Matsuri in Yokote
In the small city of Yokote in northern Japan, the citizens eschew the modern conveniences of warm homes in the middle of February and pile into small snow huts…

Ovo je najsnježnije mjesto na svijetu
Nekim ljudima zima mnogo duže traje.Stanovnici Japana svake godine moraju da savladaju od 1,5 do dva metra snijega.Na sjevernom dijelu glavnog ostrva Honšu nala…

Blue Street in Chefchaouen, Morocco
You'll really love the color blue by the time you've visited Chefchaouen. Inside the medina many of the streets, walls, and doors are a magnificent hue of blue.…

The House Built in the Middle of a River
Have you ever dreamed of having a home in the middle of nowhere to escape to every now and then? I have. And this house built straight in the middle of the Drin…
Hotel Sextantio Le Grotte Della Civita
This enclave of cave buildings is not what most travelers envision for accommodation when planning their Italian hill town escape. But although the architecture…

U najhladnijem gradu na svijetu trenutno je minus 42 stepena
Grad Jakutsk, šest vremenskih zona udaljen od ruske prijestonice Moskve, a 450 kilometara od polarnog kruga, sa prosječnom temeraturom od minus 40 stepeni može …

Ovako izgleda put oko svijeta u jednoj minuti
S još dva prijatelja u 44 dana obišao je 11 zemalja, samo kako bi snimio ovaj zanimljiv video.Rick Mareki napravio je ono o čemu svi maštaju. Proputovao je svij…

Underwater Hotel in Florida
Jules' Undersea Lodge is the first and only underwater hotel in Florida, but it's also the first underwater research lab to have ever been made accessible to th…

Turistička destinacija iz snova
amp;z=13" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">Prikaz veće karteAko se upravo spremate na putovanje života i odlazak na neku daleku egzotičnu destinaciju, i…

Stroganina – Raw Frozen Fish Served as a Delicacy in Northern Russia
Stroganina is a raw frozen fish delicacy from Yakutia, in northern Russia. It is a winter dish, consisting of long, thin slices of frozen Arctic river fish such…

9 Interesting Facts About Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a national park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming.

Ovo je najveći hotel na svijetu: Ima 10.000 soba i nikada nije imao gosta!
Uz dugu pješčanu plažu na njemačkom otoku Rügenu u Baltičkom moru stoji najveći hotel na svijetu, piše Viral Nova.Proteže se na nevjerovatnih pet kilometara i i…

Najusamljenija kuća na svijetu
Ovdje sigurno nećete imati problema sa susjedima.Na južnoj obali Islanda se nalazi skupina otoka zvana Vestmannaeyjar (Westman otoci), a jedan od tih otoka je E…

Petra, Jordan • 360° Aerial Panorama
Petra, the fabled "rose red city, half as old as time", is a well known ancient Nabataean city in the south of Jordan. Due to its breathtaking grandeur and fabu…

Na ostrvu jezero. A u njemu ostrvo. I na njemu jezero. A u jezeru...
Ostrvo Vulkanska tačka u okviru Filipina nalazi se u Kraterskom jezeru, koje je smješteno na ostrvu Tal. To ostrvo se, opet, nalazi u jezeru Tal, koje je, pogod…

Sve je besplatno osim vremena
U Londonu je počeo da radi prvi kafić u kome je sve besplatno, osim vremena koje tamo gosti provedu, a minut košta tri penija.Riječ je zapravo o ruskom lancu ka…

Festival leda u Londonu
Festival kipova od leda, koji se održava u britanskoj prijestolnici Londonu, posjetiteljima pruža priliku da vide drugačije iskustvo, ali i priliku da izrađuju …

Guinness potvrdio da je vatromet u Dubaiju najveći na svijetu
"Deset mjeseci pripreme i više od 500.000 projektila bilo je potrebno da bi se proizveo vatromet u trajanju od šest minuta", saopćeno je na Guinnessovoj interne…

Nesvakidašnja umjetnička galerija: "Grad od leda" u Moskvi
Skulpture od leda u obliku kuća, brodova, pa čak i muzičkih instrumenata plijene pažnju brojnih posjetitelja Ledene kuće, brodovi te druge skulpture napravljene…

Traže plesačice bez silikona
Plesna škola „Mocidade“ iz Rio de Žaneira rekla je „ne“ silikonu! Za najčuveniji karneval na svijetu traže samo plesačice sa prirodnim grudima. Dva mjeseca prij…

Jeste li dovoljno hrabri za ovo?
Ovu turističku atrakciju bi trebalo da izbjegavaju oni koji se plaše visina… Naime, riječ je o vjerovatno najvišoj evropskoj atrakciji - konstrukciji od ojačano…

Teksaški skok smrti: Biste li se usudili?
Na tisuće zaljubljenika u adrenalin svake godine posjećuje Jacob's Well, jedno od najopasnijih mjesta za ronjenje u svijetu.Jacob's Well u Teksasu jedno je od n…

Zbog ovog videa ćete poželjeti da putujete više
Kada biste vodili video dnevnik, kako bi izgledao? Da li biste objavili na YouTubeu i smatrate li da bi bio dovoljno zanimljiv? Sa druge strane, Luis Koul ima i…

8 stvari koje vjerovatno niste znali o Dubaiju
Prošle nedjelje Dubai je izabran za domaćina predstojećeg svjetskog sajma Expo 2020. Iako je već grad poznat po luskuzu, Dubai će potrošiti 6.8 milijardi dolara…

Transformable Flop Chair
We are keen about space saving transformable furniture as most of us live in towns where the space is a big concern. Moscow based designer Elena Sidorova has c…

DRU Robot - Domino's New Pizza Delivery Guy
Domino's is a major player in the pizza industry who keep investing in technology research and development has now revealed its latest innovation, the world's f…

Double Handed Umbrella
Couples umbrella with double handle designed to be used by two people. Double umbrella made by Quentin de Coster out of recycled umbrellas. Source

Breaking Bad Mike Cake
Unusual cake made by Natalie Sideserf looks like realistic head of Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul tv shows. Vanilla and buttercream M…

Kenny Belaey's Balance
» Watch the making of the clip here: http://win.gs/1NAfLGT Kenny Belaey rides a slackline over a 112m drop in the French Alps at an altitude of 2700m. Belgian…

Helmet with Handlebars
Innovative helmet designed to help children drive and ride their parents. Piggyback Driver helmet with handlebars, flashing turn signals, horn button, and tur…

Crankin' Up the 3-String Shovel Guitar!
International touring and recording artist Justin Johnson has been hailed by Guitar World as a “must-see act”, dubbed “The Wizard” for his mastery of stringed …

5 Crazy Electric Vehicles You Can Buy Online
5 Crazy Electric Vehicles You Can Buy Online PodRide a practical and fun bicycle-car http://www.jmk-innovation.se/?lang=en ELECTRICMOOD: The World Smartest…

7 Outrageous Amphibious Vehicles You Have To See
Get ready to be amazed at these seven awesome amphibious vehicles you just have to see! Links: Thumbnail Photo - Amphicoach - http://www.amphicoach.net/…

"This is the single most powerful device ever constructed (and subsequently responsible for the biggest nuclear explosion in history). Known as the Tsar Bomba,…

Fishing with Fire – A Mesmerizing Tradition of Taiwan
For hundreds of years, fishermen in Taiwan have been catching sardines with the help of fiery stick held over the edge of a boat. The fish are so attracted to t…

Bang Bang Door Handle
Perhaps this design is best viewed as social commentary – its creator comes, after all, from a country with a mixed history in terms of police, privacy and sec…

Zipper Bookmark
Creative bookmark designed to look like a zipper will help you always unzip your book at the right page. Zipper bookmark by Peleg Design. Available in red, bl…

Dom’Up Treehouse
The first look at Dom’Up is probably going to remind you of Swiss Family Robinson or Ewoks from Star Wars, but that’s ok. The tree shelter was conceived by …

Women knits tiny sweaters for rescued chickens
Nikola Congdon and her mother Anne of Falmouth in Cornwall, England are committed to saving chickens and give them a new home. They saved about 60 chickens, …

Japanese madness: cafe for plush toys
Stuffed animals gather for morning coffee at Nuigurumi Cafe. (Photo: Nuigurumi Cafe/Facebook) You send your kids on playdates and your pup to doggy daycare. Bu…

Yu Zhenhuan, world’s hairiest man
The Hairy Chinese Kid (Yu Zhenhuan) was first mentioned on 12 October 2002 during Karl's first ever edition of Educating Ricky. Karl revealed the child was ind…

Briefcase Picnic Table
Outdoor picnic table can be folded and transformed into a briefcase for easy storage and transportation. Wooden picnic table with lightweight and durable alum…

Backwards Tricycle
When you first look at the INNESENTI you may scratch your head and wonder where did the rest of it go, or maybe you’ll think that it looks like a very intricat…

Victorian Façade Hidden Garage
McMills Construction approached Beausoleil Architects for help installing a garage in the bottom floor of a property on Oak Street in San Francisco's Upper Hai…

Sexy Military Women - ZZ Top (La Grange)
Attention please, all these women and other could march against you. Music: "La Grange" (1977) from Concert Live ZZ Top in Texas. (adsbygoogle = wi…

The Most Realistic Robotic Ass Ever Made
In the never-ending quest to bridge the uncanny valley, Japanese scientists have turned to one area of research that has, so far, gone ignored: the robotic ass.…

Most Bizarre Vehicles Ever Made
World's strangest and most incredible cars & trucks ever designed. These concept automobiles are so weird and unique that they turn heads no matter which…

Živi dječački san: Godinama s igračkama kopa svoj podrum
Ukoliko ste mislili da imate neobičan hobi, razmislite ponovo. Ovaj Kanađanin već gotovo deset godina kopa podrum ispod kuće s igračkama na daljinsko upravljanj…

''Always look on the bright side of life'' hit na sahranama
Optimistična montipajtonovska melodija "Always look on the bright side of life", trenutno je najtraženija pjesma na sahranama u Velikoj Britaniji. Kako prenosi …

Color Scanning Pen
Scribble pen allows people to scan colors from the real world and instantly reproduce them on regular paper or digital screen.Innovative pen can draw in any col…

The Amazing Treadmill Bike
Treadmill Bike lets you go for a jog without getting your shoes dirtyNot too dissimilar to the Rollator we featured late last year on Gizmag is the Treadmill Bi…

Little Dancing Red Man
This Little Dancing Red Man Makes Wait For Red Light A FunWho would not have violated the red traffic light, atleast once in a life, to avoid wait for it turnin…

Brazil: Takmičenje za najbolju guzu
Takmičenje za najbolju guzu Brazila "Miss Bum Bum". Laskavu titulu je ponijela manekenka iz Santa Katarine, Indijanara Karvaljo, koja je ranije ovog mjeseca "p…

Provozajte se virtualno na čak 150m visokom toboganu smrti
Zahvaljujući tvrtki US Thrill Rides, 2017. godine će u Orlandu u promet biti pušten novi najviši tobogan smrti na svijetu prigodno nazvan Neboder. Upoznajte to …

Kad mafijaši uznemiravaju ženu ruskog boksera...
Sigurnosne kamere zabilježile su neobičan okršaj u jednom ruskom gradu. Tri lokalna mafijaša počela su da uznemiravaju jednu ženu u noćnom klubu.Nijesu znali d…

Najsiromašniji predsjednik ipak ne prodaje svoju Bubu
Urugvajski predsjednik Hose Mujica izjavio je da će, uprkos izdašnim ponudama, zadržati svoj automobil iz 1987. godine kojim se još vozi čak i na neke službene …

Kad se vatromet otme kontroli
Vatromet u Italiji neočekivano je otišao u jednom sasvim neželjenom smjeru.Jednu slučajno ispaljenu raketu tijekom vatrometa čovjek bi još i mogao očekivati, no…

Dodavali pića kroz prozor kombija na brzini 100 km/h
Umalo je došlo do sudara kada su dva nepromišljena vozača počela razmjenjivati piće kroz prozore kombija u vožnji po brzoj cesti, prepunoj drugih vozila.Zastraš…

Njujorkom prošetala sa i bez hidžaba - evo šta se dogodilo
Nakon što je jedna djevojka nedavno objavila video u kojem je deset sati hodala po Njujorku, to je pokrenulo pravu lavinu sličnih eksperimenata. Jedna djevojka …

Najviši i najniži čovjek nisu skrivali zadovoljstvo što su se susreli
"Niko već pet godina nije oborio moj rekord, s ponosom predstavljam svoju zemlju", izjavio je 32-godinšnji Sultan Kose Povodom obilježavanje 60. godišnjice Guin…

Cura satima šetala gole guze, jedva da je tko primijetio
Ljudi danas sve manje i manje obraćaju pažnju na detalje. Ako uopće. Tako barem možemo zaključiti iz eksperimenta u kojemu je glavnu ulogu odigrala Leah Jung...…

Ludost ili hrabrost - sa vrha zgrade skočio u bazen
Neustrašivi mladić šokirao je svijet snimkom na kojem je prikazano kako sa vrha zgrade skače u bazen.Ovaj mladić je imao sreću da je dobro procijenio udaljenost…

Real Life of Barbie and Ken
Clever photo series by talented photographer Dina Goldstein brings Barbie and Ken into the real world and shows their day-to-day life.In the Dollhouse”: Full si…

Pogledajte kako prijeti vozač bh. političara: ‘Još jednom priđi, batine ćeš dobiti’
Cesta M-18, potez Živinice-Tuzla, passat serije 6 zatamnjenih stakala s davanjem svjetlecih (nelegalnih) znakova ugrozava ostale ucesnike u prometu i na kraju p…

Prešli iznad Viktorijinih vodopada hodajući po užetu!
Lukas Irmler iz Njemačke i Reinhard Kleindl iz Austrije odlučili su se na nesvakidašnji i izuzetno opasan poduhvat - preći iznad Viktorijinih vodopada na zategn…

Everything’s Bigger In Texas Including This 99-Pack Of Beer
Behold Austin Beerworks’ 99-pack of beer, which hit select shelves in the Texas cityPriced at $99, it’s seven feet long, weighs 82 pounds, and was created to pr…

Vespa Segway
Self-balancing personal vehicle designed to look like iconic Vespa scooter.Vespa scooter merged with electric Segway by creative studio Bel & Bel.google_ad_…

8 Most Bizarre Body Modifications
Exrtreme body mods: from Eyeball Tattoos to 3D-art implants, eight body modifications to blow your mind. Being unique takes some pain.1. Eyeball TattooTalk abou…

Nevjerojatno kakva sila želi postati Sjeverna Koreja!
Sjeverna Koreja pozvala je Amerikance da ih nauče kako se - surfa na vodi.Julie Nelson, 27-godišnja Amerikanka, vjerojatno je prva osoba koja je ikada surfala s…

5 Najboljih android aplikacija
5 Najboljih android aplikacija google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width =…

Nacionalna garda pokrenula je istragu zbog golišavih djevojki
Fotografiranje za golišavi kalendar na noge je diglo američku Nacionalnu gardu jer je na snimanju korištena vojna oprema, a tamo su bili i pripadnici garde u un…

Spot godine? OK Go je zadivio fenomenalnom koreografijom
Američka grupa OK Go, ovoga puta u suradnji s japanskim redateljem Morihirom Haranom, opet se potrudila snimiti spot vrijedan pažnje. Svakako ga pogledajte...Vi…

Dnevno pojede 20 000 kalorija - Evo i zašto!
On je profesionalni snagator, drži niz rekorda i najjači je čovjek Zapadne obale SAD-a te drugi najjači Amerikanac. Njegova prehrana je, u pravom smislu riječi,…

Skinuo suprugu i golu je proveo selom
Muškarac je mačetom prijetio i svima koji su ga pokušali spriječiti da tako brutalno omalovažava nesretnu ženu.Pijani Indijac natjerao je svoju suprugu da se sk…

Early Apple computer sells for $905,000 at auction
The Henry Ford bought the 1976 Apple 1 computer at Bonhams’s History of Science auction for $905,000 ($750,000 before fees)—well above the estimated value of $3…

Darth Vader Stove
Unusual wood burning stove designed to look like Darth Vader’s helmet will make a great addition to the backyard of any Star Wars fan.Made by Doddieszoomer, a h…

Test genijalnosti koji umije da riješi veoma mali broj ljudi - umijete li vi?
Prvo treba nacrtati devet tačaka, u tri reda po tri tačke. A poenta je spojiti tačke sa samo četiri linije u jednom potezu. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456…

Usred vremenske prognoze na voditelja skočio pas!
Lokalne televizijske postaje svako malo imaju nekakvu dogodovštinu u studiju koja postane instant internet hit.Global News TGV postaja iz Edmontona u Kanadi pro…

Ženu iz dimnjaka ispirali sapunicom
Susjedi su čuli plač iz dimnjaka i pozvali vatrogasce, no 'provalnicu' nisu mogli samo tako izvući.Foto:Sky NewsVatrogasci u Kaliforniji (okrug Ventura) morali …

Ovako izgleda Evropa iz svemira
Astronaut Aleksandar Gerst je objavio videosnimak kako iz svemira prelazi preko evropskog kontinenta. Video je snimljen na Međunarodnoj svemirskoj stanici (ISS)…

Operisao se da bi ličio na đavola
Kajm Mortis (42) iz Kolumbije, već 11 godina vrši izmjene na svom tijelu, a kao rezultat dobio je izgled đavola. Mnogi komentarišu njegov izgled, nekima se svi…

Džoan Baez izvodi pjesmu "Ima neka tajna veza"
Američka pjevačica Džoan Baez nastupila je prije par noći u Beogradu gdje je pored svojih pjesama, pjevala i tuđe hitove. Ipak, ono što je ostalo posebno upeč…

Rusko kolo uz AC/DC
Ko bi rekao da se uz "Thunderstruck", najveći hit grupe AC/DC, može ovako igrati...

Guitar Doorbell
Creative doorbell plays real guitar music when the door is opened or closed.Half-sized acoustic guitar designed to be mounted over your doorway.Miniature guitar…

Tverkovanjem vratila dugove
Džesika Vanesa (22) iz SAD-a dala je otkaz i postala jedna od prvih žena koje se profesionalno bave tverkingom. Zahvaljujući tverkingu stekla je veliku popularn…

Nema smisla pitati tko ga šiša: Vrhunski je 'sam svoj majstor'
Nepoznati indijski frizer s jugozapada države postao je prava internetska zvijezda zahvaljujući tome što ne treba pomoć svojih kolega kako bi nosio željenu friz…

Želite kišu usred dnevnog boravka? Nema problema
Za one kojima se ponekad ne da izaći iz stana čak ni kako bi vidjeli kakvo je vani vrijeme, dolazi ovaj japanski izum...Japanski dizajner Ken Kawamoto napravio …

Napravio automatsku pušku koja ispaljuje papirne avione
Njemac Dieter Mišel stvorio je pomoću 3D printera oružje koje bi svako dijete poželjelo, automatsku pušku koja sama pravi i ispaljuje avione od papira. google_a…

Evo šta se dogodi kad se u avionu našalite da imate ebolu
Šala američkom putnika iz Philadelphije u Dominikansku republiku uzrokovala je paniku među putnicima i osobljem te izolaciju aviona,Neidentificirani putnik, koj…

Skok padobranom koji se pretvorio u horor!
Džastin Klark je, dok je bio na odmoru u Turskoj, prevario smrt kad mu se zapetljao padobran nakon skoka sa Babadag planine u Turskoj. Na snimku se vidi kako D…

All-Terrain Wheelchair
Innovative wheelchair designed by Sion Pierce can be safely taken off-road.Hexhog allows wheelchair users to safely access beautiful countryside and areas that …

Pogledajte kako ćete izgledati za 20 godina
Želite li vidjeti kako ćete otprilike izgledati za 20 godina, u tome vam može pomoći nova stranica Future Self francuskog telekoma Orange.Stranica koju je kreir…

Cliff House
Futuristic house designed by Modscape will be attached to the side of a cliff above beautiful ocean in Australia.Large panoramic windows provide breathtaking vi…

Njegovi snimci iz teretane postali su pravi hit
Leri Evans koji je težak 362 kilograma osvojio je Facebook snimcima svog vježbanja i postao inspiracija mnogima. Leri iz St. Louisa prikupio je vojsku obožavate…

Walking on Eggs
Walking on Eggs - Cool Science Experiment google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google…

4,100m wedding dress to apply for Guinness book of records
A model wearing a 4,100-meter-long wedding dress in "Ziyixiangxun valley" in Chengdu, Sichuan province on Sept 24, 2014. The large tailing dress takes a month t…

Strah od visine: Mladić se tri puta onesvijestio na 'praćki'
Možda griješimo, ali nešto nam govori da ovog mladića ne biste voljeli ugledati kao pilota pri ulasku u zrakoplov. Lijepo je nebo, ali za njega je bolje da se d…

Kakvi beatbox genijalci: Njima ne trebaju nikakvi instrumenti
Sholto, Steve i Phil dio su 'Bloxed Beatbox' kolektiva koji zaista impresionira svojim glasovnim vještinama. Ovdje su obradili klasik 'Rhythm of the Night' i hi…

The 3-year-old boy who weighs 154lb, or 70kg
The 3-year-old boy who weighs 150lb due to syndrome that means he just can't stop eatingThe Brazilian boy, known only as Misael, was born a healthy 6lb 6oz (2.9…

Pojavio se na konferenciji u obliku holograma
Iako već više od dvije godine nije stupio izvan veleposlanstva Ekvadora u Londonu, Julian Assange sudjelovao je na jednoj konferenciji u SAD-u.Osnivač WikiLeaks…

$6 million GOLD Lamborghini spotted in Paris
As far as supercars go this might be the one to beat.Labelled as quite possibly the most expensive car in the world, the gold Lamborghini Aventador has been spo…

Can a Micro Bikini ever be too small? Never!
Randy looks incredible wearing micro bikini v-backs and g-strings in her photo shoot. We have a tough time picking our favorite bikini for her but she's partial…

Seksi akrobacije na motoru
Pogledajte šta ova Ruskinja sve radi na motoru...

Valcer na zidovima zgrade
Ova plesna predstava je snimljena vertikalno na strani jedne zgrade ranije ovog mjeseca, na festivalu Art and Soul. Plesači su Amelija Rudolf i Roel Seeber. Nji…

Rusima ljubimci ružni pa im mijenjaju izgled!
Ljudi odlaze u salon za uljepšavanje ljubimaca da im promijene izgled. "Pas nam je bio nekako dosadan. Zato smo odlučili da ga promijenimo, pa smo ga obojili u…

Ovako nastaje Airbus A380
Ako ste se ikad upitali kako nastaje jedan ogroman putnički zrakoplov, sada to možete otkriti, zaslugom Qatar Airwaysa, koji je objavio video procesa izrade seu…

Poželjela je postati vrlo slavna pa je ugradila - treću dojku
Ona radi kao maserka na Floridi, no svjesna je da se tako nikada neće obogatiti. Zbog toga je došla na ideju da ugradi treću dojku i show o sebi proda televizij…

Kako sagraditi kuću za 10 sati?
Još su napravili pauzu za ručak... google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_wid…

Krao ženski donji veš pa ga mirisao
Video snimak u kojem se vidi kako Kinez krade ženski donji veš, postao je hit na internetu. Osim što je veš bez dozvole skidao sa žice, prije nego što bi sakrio…

Majstorske akrobacije: Da li vjerujete da ovo nije igrica?
Za ovaj video snimak svako bi pomislio da je igrica. Međutim, iznenadićete se kada vidite da su ovi opasni pokreti stvarni. Majstor parkur vještine Džejson Pol …

Napravio remek djelo za samo devet minuta!
Ovom talentovanom Brazilcu bilo je potrebno samo nekoliko minuta da naslika nevjerovatan pejzaž Siromašnim umetnicima ne treba puno kako bi napravili svoje jedi…

Talijanski sud na aukciji prodaje porniće
Talijanski sud na aukciji će ponuditi na prodaju više od 2000 pornografskih filmova kako bi namaknuo sredstva za odštetu žrtava pronevjere, prenijeli su talijan…

Crazy Good Multi Instrument Street Musician
A street performer plays multiple instruments at once and he sound crazy good.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ g…

Ludi Poljaci: Maskirali su se u svećenike pa skočili sa zgrade
Poljski kolektiv 'No Limit' izveo je svoju najluđu vratolomiju dosad. Kako bi prevarili zaštitare maskirali su se u svećenike, a onda skočili s najviše zgrade u…

Autist cijelu kuću prilagodio voljenim mačkama
Ovaj ljubitelj mačaka iz Minnesote koji ima Aspergerov sindrom svoju je cijelu kuću preuredio po mjeri mačaka za koje je izgradio čak 90 metara puteva i malih k…

Od rastavljenih pušaka i pištolja pravi muzičke instrumente
Pedro Rejes iz Meksika je od malih nogu bio okružen oružjem. Odlučio je da napravi nešto potpuno novo i neobično. U saradnji s timom muzičara i studiom Cocolab,…

Ovaj čovjek nije dozvolio da mu pauk odnese auto - pogledajte kako
Nakon što je vidio da će pauk zbog nepropisnog parkiranja da mu odnese auto, jedan stanovnik istočnog Londona učinio je ono na šta bi se malo ko odvažio. Naime,…

Pušenje čaja sve popularnije
Liz Neves iz Bruklina, prodaje "čaj za pušenje", koji je alternativa marihuani i duvanu. "Vivid Vision" je potpuno prirodna i bezopasna mješavina biljaka, koja …

Flautistkinji leptir sletio na nos usred nastupa
Japanska flautistkinja Jukie Ota imala je jako neobično iskustvo kada joj je u toku nastupa leptir skakutao po nosu i čelu.

Pogledajte kako će izgledati Windows 9 i novi Start meni
''Microsoft'' je predstavio redizajnirani Start meni ranije ove godine. Međutim, nemački sajt WinFuture objavio je dvominutni video, zahvaljujući kojem sada ima…

Put Popcorn vs Cell Phones. Check it out... scary
They Put Popcorn Kernels Near Ringing Cell Phones. Check it out...(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) re…

The 10 Dumbest Criminals of The World
There is nothing funny than a dumb criminal. The American Crime historian Jay Robert Nash commented: “Bank robbers are getting dumber” and he’s right! Some crim…

Otkrivena matematička formula: Kako pas ovčar kontroliše stado?
Koristeći GPS podatke, istraživači su otkrili matematičku šemu po kojoj ovčarski pas obavlja svoj zadatak, a koja bi mogla da posluži u razvoju “ovčarskih robot…

Viber 5.0 for Android and iOS Brings Video Calling and More
Viber on Thursday announced an update for its Android and iOS apps, bringing them to version 5.0 and adding video calling support. The company has also released…

Viber uveo video pozive
Nova, peta verzija Vajbera (Viber), aplikacije za razmjenu poruka i glasovnih poziva preko interneta, dobila je mogućnost video poziva, kao i djeljenja kontakta…

Still Drinking Cola? Watch This!
An educational video about energy drinks and their effects on your health. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ goog…

Možete li polizati svoj lakat?
Stvari koje tek malo ko možeIsprobajte trikove poput lizanja vlastitog lakta, upuhivanja papirića u plastičnu bocu, zviždanja uz začepljen nos ili pojesti šest …

Nevjerojatno: Evo što se dogodi miješanjem Coca-Cole i mlijeka
Još jedan video u čijoj se glavnoj ulozi našao ovaj svima nam omiljeni napitak otkriva nešto nadasve neobično.Svjedočili smo brojnim pokusima s jednim od najpro…

Monociklom niz litice
Iako ih je na početku puta dočekao natpis da bicikla nose u rukama jer su na tom putu već poginula tri biciklista, ovi momci nisu marili za to i s planine su se…

Probajte: Nije seks već veoma zanimljiva zajednička vježba
Za tango je potrebno dvoje, ali i za vježbanje... Video prikazuje brazilski par, Džejka i Nataliu, kako u paru vježbaju.Provode vrijeme zajedno, a ujedno i rade…

Facebook pun novog virusa
Instalacijom ovog trojanca do sada se zarazilo preko dva miliona korisnika Facebooka, a još nije tačno poznato šta radi Facebook ima novi virus koji hara zidovi…

There's A Woman Named Cherries Waffles Tennis
Go ahead and file this one under Things That Make Me Happier Than Words Could Ever Describe: according to a Florida police report there’s a 19-year-old woman na…

Oborio rekord u nošenju krigli, prenio ih je čak 27 istodobno!
Zadaća Olivera Strümpfela je bila prijeći četrdeset metara bez da mu išta ispadne, što nije baš jednostavno jer samo jedna napunjena krigla teži oko 2,3 kilogra…

Iako ima 96 godina i dalje se aktivno bavi jogom
Uprkos tome što ima skoro 100 godina, ova instruktorka joge je uzor svojim studentima. Tao Porčon Linč vežba jogu više od 70 godina. Iako sada ima 96 godina ne …

Fitnes autobus, za sve one koji nemaju vremena za teretanu
Ako želite da ostanete u formi, ali nemate vremena da idete u teretanu, pokretna teretana je pravo rješenje za vas. To je u osnovi veliki autobus u koji je smje…

Jennifer Lopez Wants You to Check Out Her 'Booty'
And Iggy Azalea's here to help.Jennifer Lopez and Iggy Azalea seem to not care that fashion dictates "no wearing white after Labor Day" in the new teaser for th…

Tinejdžerka se udala za psa
Mangli Munda (18) iz Indije, udala se za psa Šerua na nagovor mještana njenog sela u istočnoj Indiji. Na njenoj svadbi je bilo 70 ljudi. Mangli su rekli da treb…

No More Fat Cats: Giant Hamster Wheel Keeps Cats Trim
A new pet gadget has hit the market, and it aims to provide cats who live indoors with a regular dose of much-needed exercise.The One Fast Cat is based on the c…

Suitcase Scooter
Electric suitcase scooter designed by Chinese farmer / inventor He Liangcai.No need for a taxi, now you can finally ride your suitcase to the airport.Suitcase S…

Innovative bicycle designed by Kolelinia combines running with cycling and allows people to run while they ride.Lightweight and extremely compact bicycle does n…

Pedal Powered Workstation
Innovative desk equipped with bicycle technology generates electricity and helps people stay in shape.¸Human powered workstation designed by Pedal Power will ch…

Ovako izgleda kada munja udari u zrakoplov
Munja koja je udarila u Boeing 777 koji se pripremao za sijetanje nije izazvala veće štete na zrakoplovu koji je uspješno prizemljen.Jeste li se ikada zapitali …

Why The Ocean Smells Like The Ocean
While most people are aware of what the ocean smells like, not many know what causes the scent.Anyone who's been near an ocean has experienced the distinct scen…

Selfie na 346 metara: Sjedili su neosigurani i mirno jeli banane
Daniel Lau i dvoje njegovih prijatelja popeli su se na vrh petog najvišeg nebodera u Hong Kongu i podijelili s ostatkom svijeta kako to izgleda imati taj grad n…

Ovaj bicikl je nemoguće ukrasti
Tri čileanska studenta, budućih inženjera, napravili su bicikl za koji tvrde da ga je nemoguće ukrasti. Svedenog dizajna, prototip dvotočkaša pod nazivom "Yerk…

Automobil prešao preko dječaka - on ostao nepovrijeđen
Šestogodišnji dječak iz Kine imao je veliku sreću da je ostao živ i nepovrijeđen nakon što je automobil prešao preko njega. Sigurnosne kamere u jednoj ulici u k…

Dry Ice Boo Bubbles
What Happens When Dry Ice and Soap Bubbles Meet Is Absolutely FascinatingKids and adults alike will be fascinated with this simple experiment that involves dry …

Potrošila 150.000 eura na operacije da bi ličila na karikaturu
Frizerka Kristina Bitl (30) iz Velike Britanije posljednjih 13 godina je imala niz plastičnih operacija, čiji je cilj bio da je pretvore bukvalno u karikaturu.K…

House on Wheels by Andrew & Gabriella Morrison
Tiny 221 square feet house on wheels designed by Andrew & Gabriella Morrison of TinyHouseBuild.Living in a small space is as much about lifestyle as it is a…

Ara se utrkuje s vlasnikom na skuteru
Modro-žuta Ara Vito odlično poznaje gotovo svaki kutak otoka Parosa zahvaljujući tome što je njezin vlasnik bez ikakvog straha pušta da slobodno leti do mile vo…

Air Hockey Robot Project (a 3D printer hack)
AHRobot is an air hockey robot player build using standard RepRap 3D printer parts: electronics, motors, drivers, bearings, belts... and a DIY air hockey table.…

Šta mislite čemu služi ova sprava za vježbanje?
Najbizarnija sprava za vježbanje? Naravno, riječ je o Japancima.Samo trideset sekundi, dva puta dnevno! Nakon što ste zategnuli ruke, noge, trbuh i stražnjicu, …

This Is What A ‘Pool Pawty’ At A Dog Daycare Center Looks Like
Lucky Puppy, a doggy daycare center in Michigan, held an absolutely adorable pool party for its discerning clientele back in June that left us totally jealous. …

Lion attacks car full of people on safari
Watch as this curious lion tries to get inside a car full of tourists driving through a wildlife sanctuary in South Africa belonging to 'lion whisperer' Kevin R…

Chinese City Builds World’s First Rectangular Running Track
Sports officials in Tonghe County in northeastern China’s Heilongjiang province have built the world’s first and only rectangular running track. That’s a weird …

Zaprosio djevojku uz 1001 hot-dog!
Vang Čiu smislio je u najmanju ruku originalan način da zaprosi svoju djevojku Žen Žuan Kang. Ovaj tridesetogodišnjak priredio je svojoj dragoj iznenađenje sa-…

Zavirite u najskuplji stan na svijetu
Znate li kako izgleda najluksuzniji stan na svijetu? Velebni penthouse u Monacu nalazi se u tornju Odeon, prostire na čak pet katova, a novi vlasnik za njega će…

You Think Tractors Can’t Dance? Check Out Tractor Square Dancing
It’s strange, but true – tractor square dancing is a real thing. It involves daisy chains and do-si-dos too. But instead of people dancing on their feet, four …

Steady Handed Chinese Man Balances Eggs on Needle Points
Cui Juguo, from Changsha city in China’s Hunan Province, holds the Guinness World Record for a very unique feat – he can perfectly balance eggs on small needles…

Amazing Ping Pong Player with No Arms Will Convince You That Nothing Is Impossible
Egyptian para-table tennis player Ibrahim Hamato has no arms, yet he can put almost any amateur ping-pong player to shame. How he is able to handle the paddle w…

Teens Turn Room into Indoor Pool by Covering it with Plastic Foil and Filling It with Water
A bunch of resourceful Russian teenagers who couldn’t afford to take a trip to the beach recently created an unusual indoor swimming pool right in the living ro…

Ovako izgleda čišćenje Big Bena
Sat na Elizabetanskom tornju, koji je 2012. preimenovan u čast dijamantskog jubileja kraljice Elizabete Druge, čistila su četiri radnika. Poznatiji kao Big Ben…

The UK has a new twerking champion
Are you ready for this jelly?Maybe you thought twerking was something people just did in their spare time, nothing serious. But, apparently some people take it …

Limuzinom sletio u bazen
85-godišnji muškarac je u subotu u bijeloj limuzini izlazio iz garaže, no završio je u bazenu.Stariji muškarac (85) iz Altadene svojim je skupocjenim automobilo…

Ovako izgledaju naše kosti kad se miču
Cameron Drake objavio nekoliko videa na kojima su prikazane rendgenske snimke ljudski dijelova tijela u pokretu.Ortopedski kirurg Cameron Drake odlučio je sa sv…

Svojim činom je osvojio Ameriku - I postao HIT na internetu!
Gage Boucher skromno je komentirao fotografiju te rekao da je učinio ono što bi i svi drugi učinili u toj situaciji.Fotografija koja ja obišla svijet i zaludila…

Zaustavio je da bi joj napisao kaznu, ali joj je spasio život
Policajac koji je ženi iz Mičigena namjeravao da napiše kaznu, spasio je od smrti. U trenutku kada joj je dao znak da stane, žena se gušila."U prvom trenutku sa…

Norwegian City’s Ingenious Bicycle Lift Makes Cycling Uphill a Breeze
The city of Trondheim in Norway is the first and only one in the world to have a lift specially designed to help cyclists travel uphill. The contraption is call…

Texas Man Spends $2.2 Million Turning His Backyard into Four-Pool Waterpark
Summer in Texas may be merciless, but Hal Jones from Austin has found a great way to stay cool at all times. He spent a whopping $2.2 million to have four enorm…

For Real: 1.6 Million-Dollar Magnetic Hover Bed Floats on Air
Not too long ago it would have sounded like futuristic science fiction,?but here it is – the world’s most expensive luxury bed that is not suspended but, instea…

15 Insane Laws You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
While there are certainly some bad apples running around out there, most of us generally try to be good, law abiding citizens. We typically know that we really …

Water Balloon Maker
Innovative time-saving product designed by American inventor Josh Malone can fill and tie one hundred water balloons in less than one minute.Simply connect “Bun…

On je bolji i od Forest Gampa
Erni Andrus je devedesetogodišnji veteran Drugog svjetskog rata koji upravo trči kroz cijelu Ameriku. Želi da obori rekord i da postane najstarija osoba koja je…

Pas izabran za gradonačelnika
Mjesto Kormoran dobilo je novog gradonačelnika - 7-godišnjeg psa po imenu Djuk. Pas je izabran velikom većinom glasova, iako se "nije kandidovao" za izbore.Dru…

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Shaped Boats
Looking back I have been to rather a lot of boat shows and events for someone who doesn’t know how to swim and doesn’t own a boat. But if I did know how to swi…

Top 10 Dumbest Reasons Why People Were Fired
Jobs are necessary, not only to keep the wheels of society turning, but to improve our quality of life, finance our dreams, or simply to make ends meet. Som…

10 Most Expensive Things In The World
Here are 10 of the most expensive things in the world. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle |…

Top 10 Female Guitarists of All Time
Talented, innovative or just plain entertaining, these six-stringers of the female variety know how to get the party rolling. (adsbygoogle = window.…

TOP 10 STRONGEST DOGS IN THE WORLD (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); …

10 Unfortunately-Named Products
Fancy a bowl of cock soup for dinner? Maybe you'd also enjoy some of these 9 other unfortunately named products too..

10 Surprising Ways To Offend People In Other Countries
Planning a summer vacation abroad? Then don't offend the locals. Here are 10 seemingly innocent ways of offending people in other countries.

10 Most Evil Teachers
Forget Professor Snape... From spiking their student's oreos with sedatives to setting up a baby fight club, AllTime10s brings you the 10 most evil teachers. …

Top 10 Brutally Cruel Torture Methods
Methods of torture throughout time have been inventive, to say the least, some offering more reprieve than others for the unfortunate soul attached. While no to…

Top 10: Nostalgic Video Game Facts
In this top 10 video, we’ll look at 10 nostalgic video game facts. 10. Mario’s Mushrooms 9. Donkey Kong 8. Star Fox 7. Super Smash Bros. Brawl 6. Twilight P…

Top 10 Dramatic Slow Motion Scenes
Sometimes you’ve got to take things slowgoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_a…

10 Things You Didn't Know About Scotland
The mention of Scotland conjures images of green rolling hills, woolen knits, plaid, and, of course, Scotch whisky. Here are 10 other cool things about the …

10 Things Indians Do Better Than Americans
Here are 10 things Indians do better than Americans.Number 10. Weddings. Specific details vary from region to region, but overall Indian weddings are elaborate …

10 Awesome Things Babies Teach Us About Life
We look towards the elderly for life advice. Sure, they have a great deal of it, but babies can impart a lot of wisdom as well.Here are 10 things babies can tea…

America's 10 Most Famous Ghosts - Halloween 2014
Celebrity is not a status exclusively bestowed upon the living. Some carry their popularity over into the afterlife, while others find it there for the first ti…

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Dogs’ Tails
Tail wagging has long been associated with a pup’s mood, but the fascinating and often telling, things about the appendage don’t stop there.Here are 10 things y…

10 Famous People Who Were Once Homeless
Given the charmed lives many celebrities lead, it’s hard to imagine that they’ve ever had to go without. For many famous people, that is very far from the truth…

10 Strangely Cool British Traditions Still Practiced Today
In modern times many customs have been cast aside, existing only in stories about how things used to be. Not all of them, though.Here are 10 strangely cool UK t…

Top 10 Comedy Movies: 1970s
The '70s weren't just a time for platform shoes and disco. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "21…

10 Things You May Not Know About President Obama
Barack Obama is one of the world’s most watched and talked about people, yet there are still surprising, little publicized facts about the man out there.Here ar…

10 Strange Dog Behaviors Explained
Dogs are lovable, loyal companions, but it’s hard to deny that they do some pretty weird stuff from time to time.Here are 10 strange dog behaviors explained.Num…

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Big Rigs
Here are 10 things you didn't know about big rigs.Big rigs seem to be just about everywhere, which may be why we often just accept their presence as part of the…

World's 10 Most Unusual Planes
Just because we’ve gotten used to planes having a certain look, that doesn’t mean other configurations won’t get off of the ground.Here are 10 very unusual plan…

10 Things Australians Do Better Than Americans
Here are 10 things Australians do better than Americans.Australia and the US have a lot in common. The two countries share a language, a regional fondness for s…

10 Scariest Places To Bungee Jump
If your usual bungee jumping spots just aren’t making your heart race like they used to, consider checking out one of these locales.Here are the 10 scariest pla…

Top 10 Best Global Beers
Let’s say a toast to these fine brews! google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad…

Top 10 Jean-Claude Van Damme Splits
He has the most famous groin muscles in movie history.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137…
Awesome Facts About Norway
Viking festivals, great food, humane prisons and the most Winter Olympic medals to boot. What’s not to love about Norway? We’ll dive into 10 Awesome Facts About…

10 Myths About Wine
Here are 10 myths about wine.While wine might be, in the words of Robert Louis Stevenson ‘bottled poetry’, a lot of mystery seems to surround it. Here are 10 my…

Top 10 David Bowie Songs
He helped put the “glam” in glam rock, but this rock ‘n’ roll chameleon is a lot more than just outrageous make-up and glittery clothes. And his songs prove it.…

Top 10 Al Pacino Performances
With more than five decades of experience under his belt, he’s played every role you can imagine. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we’re counting down our pi…

10 Futuristic Outdoor Lodging Options
Those wanting to get away from it all and commune with nature could simply pitch a tent in the wild, but there are far better options.Here are 10 examples of ex…

Top 10 Western Movies
They’re some of the most stylish, gritty, and unforgettable movies of all time. They’re also some of the most violent – hang ‘em high, boys. Welcome to WatchMoj…

Top 10 Mob Movie Characters
We’re about to make you an offer you can’t refuse…

Top 10 Sci-Fi Babes
They're the finest the galaxy has to offer! google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; goog…

ToP 10 Bollywood 'B' Grade Babes
Watch bollywood exposing models google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width …

Top 10 Bond Babes
These are the ladies who keep 007 in 00-heaven! Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the greatest Bond girls of all time! google_ad_client = "ca-pub-64…

Top 10 Influential Communist Leaders
These were the faces of a new political order.

Top 10 Iconic Pieces of Classical Music
They’re the definition of classic. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 iconic pieces of classical music.google_ad_c…

10 Things You Didn't Know About Putin
Here are 10 interesting facts about Vladimir Putin.The entire world is watching Vladimir Putin today. Here are 10 lesser-known facts about him.Number 10: Putin …

10 Things You Didn't Know About Teeth
Other than when it’s time to brush or fix them, you may not think much about teeth. Well, they’re actually pretty fascinating.Here are 10 interesting facts abou…

10 Failed McDonalds Products
Just because they rule the fast food universe doesn’t mean that McDonald’s hasn’t made some mistakes along the way.Here are 10 failed McDonald’s products.Number…

Top 10 Hilarious Slow Motion Movie Scenes
Sometimes it isn’t the timing but time itself that makes us laugh the hardest.

10 Things Canadians Do Better Than Americans
The US often overshadows its peaceful, polite neighbors to the north, but that certainly isn't because Canada is lacking in spotlight-worthy attributes.Here are…

Top 10 Songs Named After Women
These tunes are dedicated to the fairer sex.

Top 10 Comedy Movie Clichés
These clichés are the cornerstones of comedy

10 Gross Facts About Supermarket Meat
When you head to the grocery store to stock up on meat, you may not be returning home with quite what you expected.Here are 10 gross facts about supermarket mea…

10 Things French Do Better Than Americans
Here are 10 things the French do better than Americans.The US and France use the same flag colors, both celebrate their independence in July, and share a love f…

10 Major Brands That Started As Something Else
Here are 10 companies with surprising beginnings.Number 10. Taco Bell. The fast food chain's founder, Glen Bell, started off selling hot dogs. Once McDonalds mo…

10 Things You May Know About Stephen Hawking
Here are 10 interesting insights into the life and viewpoints of Stephen Hawking.Sure, Stephen Hawking is a brilliant, groundbreaking scientist, but that's not …

10 Uncommon Facts About The US Constitution
We're all experts on celebrating America's independence from the British, but how good are you at knowing stuff about the government charter that came of it?Her…

10 Amazing Facts About Birds' Nests
Not all birds go through the trouble of building a nest, but among those that do some really extraordinary efforts are put forth.Here are 10 facts about birds' …

World's 10 Most Unusual Cars
The auto industry is in the midst of some mind-boggling innovations. A few years from now, today's cars will seem antiquated just like the ones from early 20th …

10 Amazing Facts About Color
Colors from brilliant to beige surround us, but how much do we really know about them?Here are 10 amazing facts about color.Number 10. Men and women see it diff…

World's 10 Most Bizarre Beaches
If you feel your local beach has become ho-hum, consider checking out one of these.Here are 10 of the world's most bizarre beaches.Number 10. Glass Beach, Calif…

10 Bizarre Medical Treatments from History
Severed mice, snail slime, and powdered corpses have all been to heal the sick. Watch the video to discover more bizarre treatments that have been prescribed th…

10 of the World's Greatest Sports Cars
Nothing screams awesome more than cruising around in an incredibly attractive and fast vehicle. With that in mind, check out 10 of the greatest sports cars acco…

10 Of Your Body Parts You Can Live Without
Here are 10 body parts a person can surprisingly live without.The inner workings of the human body are certainly complex, but among the greatest mysteries is wh…

10 Things Brazil Does Better Than Anyone Else
The mere mention of Brazil brings to mind sun, fun, and samba, but there are a whole lot of other things the country does particularly well.The mere mention of …

World's 10 Most Overrated Travel Attractions
If your summer plans include trips to any of these hot spots, you may want to make a few itinerary revisions.If your summer plans include trips to any of these …

10 Little Known Facts About Fruit Stickers
Following are 10 little known facts about fruit stickers.Even though nearly every piece of fruit in the produce aisle has a little sticker on it, most people pr…

World's 10 Most Expensive Fruits
Here are 10 of the most expensive fruits in the world.Sure fruit is awesome, packed with all sorts of vitamins, antioxidants, and, of course, lip-smacking flavo…

10 Things You Didn't Know About Sea Urchins
Here are 10 things you probably didn't know about their surprisingly somewhat-complex lives of sea urchins."Is this a predation event that we are witnessing? We…

10 Little Known Facts About Left-Handed People
There's a lot more to being left handed than needing special scissors or baseball gloves. Here are 10 little known facts about them.There's a lot more to being …

10 Things British Do Better Than Americans
Here are 10 things that the British admittedly do better than Americans.Despite many similarities, however, there are some things that the Brits admittedly do q…

10 Surprising Facts About Centenarians
Here are 10 surprising facts about centenarians.With age comes wisdom, or so they say. For the rest of us, getting there may just be a matter of luck and geneti…

10 of the World's Most Rare and Unique Birds
Scientists have combed the globe and identified the 100 most unique and rare birds on the planet. Here are 10 of them.Scientists hailing from Yale University an…

10 Myths About Africa
Check out these 10 myths about Africa.Long known as the 'Dark Continent', Africa is at once mysterious and dangerous, yet beauty is at every turn. Here are 10 m…

10 Celebrities With Mexican Roots
Here are 10 Celebrities with Mexican Roots.Many aspects of American culture, be they related to food, arts, or celebrations, have sprung from Mexican roots.As i…

10 Surprising Facts About Cheerleading
Grab your megaphones and pom poms, it's time to give a shout out to cheerleading.Here are 10 fun facts about it.Number 10. It was originally a male-only activit…

The 10 Most Hated Foods in America
Here's a roundup of 10 of the most hated foods in America.There are so many reasons people look at some foods with disdain and repulsion. Questionable origins, …

10 Uncommon Facts About Hot Dogs
Summertime will soon be here, and that means it's almost time for cookouts, trips to the ballpark, and hot dogs.Summertime will soon be here, and that means coo…

10 Things Italians Do Better Than Anyone
Italy is synonymous with great pasta, beautiful architecture, and a rich history of artistic traditions.Italy is synonymous with great pasta, beautiful architec…

10 Unusual Company Names Explained
Check out meanings behind 10 names of companies.Let's face it. A lot of companies have strange names. Sure, often they're recognizable because the company is a …

10 Fun Facts About Coffee
Grab a cup, sit back, and enjoy these 10 fun facts about coffee.For many, coffee is a daily need that ranks up there with oxygen and food.Thankfully, one rarely…

Top 10 Craziest Events Caught on Live TV
Many witnessed these unforgettable events in real-time thanks to the magic of broadcasting. Join WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top 10 crazies…

Top 10 misterija na koje znanost još nema odgovor
Znanost je znatno napredovala u pojašnjenju osnovnih misterija postojanja, no naravno, ne postoje još uvijek odgovori na sve misterije.Postoji čitav niz stvari …

10 Things You Didn't Know About IKEA
Even though many can't pronounce most of the merchandise the store sells, IKEA has become the go-to source for affordable yet stylish furnishings and housewares…

10 Fun Facts About Easter
Number 10. Most Americans agree on how to eat a chocolate bunny. 76 percent say the proper way to do it is ears first.Number 9. Some world traditions are incred…

10 Bizarre Reasons That Can Get You Executed Around the World
Here are 10 of the world's strangest capital crimes.In the US, death penalties are handed down for extreme acts like murder and treason.In other places, far les…

Top 10 Movie Princesses
It's every girl's dream to be a princess, right? Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Movie Princesses.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Beer
When it comes to beer, most people know it's brewed, it's great on a hot day, and that there's a lot of it out there.Among the things many may not know is how m…

10 April Fools' Pranks That Went Very Wrong
Here are 10 April Fools' pranks that went very, very wrong.April Fools' Day, the day prank lovers everywhere come out to show the best they've got, and the day …

10 Things You Didn't Know About Putin
Here are 10 interesting facts about Vladimir Putin.The entire world is watching Vladimir Putin today. Here are 10 lesser-known facts about him.Number 10: Putin …

10 Embarrassing Architectural Failures
Maybe somebody should have spent longer practising with Lego blocks, find out why in 10 architectural failures.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* …

10 Mind-Blowing Facts About America
We live and work in the US, but how much do we really know about our country?We live and work in the US, but how much do we really know about our country?Here a…

10 Things You Didn't Know About Albert Einstein
Here are 10 interesting facts about Albert Einstein.Guess who: He was ridiculously smart, had crazy hair, and a knack for super-complicated science.If you said …

Evo što bi sve moglo UNIŠTITI život na Zemlji!
U realne opasnosti za uništenje života na Zemlji ubrajaju se razorne prirodne katastrofe, korištenje nuklearnog oružja..Deset najvjerojatnijih opasnosti koje bi…

10 Amazing Robots That Will Change the World
The day of living like the Jetsons, mechanized maid and all, gets closer all the time. Here are 10 great robots, some of which are even available to the public.…

10 Little Known Facts About Human Hair
We know it can be teased, sprayed, gelled, and trimmed, but when it comes to hair, there are a lot of fascinating things about it that go unsaid.We know it can …

10 Countries That Do Breakfast Better Than America
To get a glimpse at just how exciting breakfast can be, check out what people in these 10 countries are having.As we mull over choices of cereals or bagels, we'…

Top 10 Movie Brats
Parental guidance is definitely advised.

10 Unusual Food Etiquettes Around the World
Food etiquette in the United States is often very different in other parts of the world, confusing both travelers and locals alike. Here are the top 10 dining c…

Top 10 Female Vocalists
Whether fronting a band or singing on her own, these women sure could sing. For this list, we've chosen our female singers based on a combination of the quality…

Top 10 Movie Wizards
It's easy to believe in magic after watching these guys on screen!

Top 10 Iconic Cartoon Characters of All Time
They've shaped the childhoods of billions. Join WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Iconic Cartoon Characters of all time.)

10 Everyday Tasks You Are Wasting Time On
Much of the time so desperately needed throughout the day could be gained by getting rid of time-wasting tasks.People searching to pack extra time into each day…

10 Shocking Facts about Sesame Street
Uncover the surprisingly shady world of our favourite kids show. From court cases to terrorist conspiracies, this is definitely not suitable for children.

Top 10 Action Movies of the 1980s
This is the era where guns never seemed to run out of bullets.

World's 10 Greatest Sports Cars
Nothing screams awesome more than cruising around in an incredibly attractive and fast vehicle. With that in mind, check out 10 of the greatest sports cars acco…

10 Delicious Facts About Pizza
Everyone loves pizza, even Russian Presidents. Check out 10 delicious facts about pizza.

10 Mind-Blowing Facts About Magic
Psychic powers, magical goats and Harry Houdini all feature in 10 Mind-Blowing Facts About Magic.

Top 10 TV Families
Top 10 TV Families

10 Curious Facts About Taste
What does the color blue taste like? Why does airplane food taste bad? Learn the answers with these 10 curious facts about taste.

10 Things You Didn't Know About South Park
Talking poops, Jesus fighting Santa and Cartman. It can only be 10 unbelievable facts about South Park.

10 Things You Didn't Know About North Korea
Other than that it's ruled by a despot and appears to be one of Dennis Rodman's favorite places on Earth, how much do you really know about North Korea?Other th…

10 Delicious Facts About Pizza
Everyone loves pizza, even Russian Presidents. Check out 10 delicious facts about pizza.

Top 10 Sexiest Music Videos
These videos got us all hot and bothered.

Another Top 10 Sexiest Music Videos
These videos certainly got our motors runnin'.

10 Crazy Facts About Valentine's Day
As you would expect, roses, chocolates and...Teddy Roosevelt feature in 10 crazy facts about Valentine's Day.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Diamonds
Sure, everybody has heard diamonds are a girl's best friend, but there are also a few things about them you may not know. Check out these 10 uncommon facts.$60 …

10 Fun Uses for Your Dead Body After You Die
Check out 10 interesting ways your dead body can be used after you are gone.There is no rule that when you die, you have to be buried in a box or stashed in an …

10 Awesome Facts About RoboCop
He's an officer with ball bearings.

10 Facts You May Not Know About the Sochi Olympics
The 2014 Olympic Winter Games are highly anticipated around the world. But before you settle in to watch, check out these 10 interesting facts you may not know …

10 Things That Will Not Exist in the Future
From utopian visions to apocalyptic warnings, many scientists, philosophers, and even a few psychics have offered their predictions for the future that awaits u…

Top 10 Airplane Crashes in Movies
We hope they don't happen in real life, but we can't stop watching them tear up the screen.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Belly Buttons
Check out 10 uncommon facts about belly buttons.Our belly buttons deserve a lot more respect than what they typically get. Here are 10 uncommon facts about them…

10 stvari koje možda niste znali o novcu...
Jedna od manje poznatih stvari o novcu je i miris koji osjetimo na kovanicama. Jeste li znali da je to ljudski miris?Popis 10 stvari koje su manje poznate o nov…

Oni su slavne povijesne ličnosti, ali jesu li doista postojali?
Zabavni YouTube kanal Alltime10s objavio je listu poznatih povijesni ličnosti koje možda nikad nisu postojale. Na njoj su se našli Homer, Robin Hood, Shakespear…

10 Things Chinese Do Better Than Americans
Here are 10 things they do better in China than they do in the US.Ok, so we are a superpower and all that but let's face it, there are many things that Chinese …

Top 10 Craziest Events Caught on Live TV
Many witnessed these unforgettable events in real-time thanks to the magic of broadcasting.

Top 10 James Bond Theme Songs
James Bond films have developed a tradition of commissioning top contemporary singers and songwriters to produce theme songs for each film. Some of these have b…

10 Most Polluted Places On Earth
Find out which areas mankind are damaging the most in 10 most polluted places on earth.

10 Reasons Not to Have a Cat
Here are 10 reasons why you shouldn't keep a cat as a pet.Cats are cute, loveable and easy to care for....or are they? Here are ten reasons not to own a cat.Num…

10 Deadliest Diseases in Human History
Check out 10 of the deadliest diseases in human history.Regardless of the era, humans have always had to deal with deadly diseases. Here are 10 of the deadliest…

10 Mind-Blowing Facts About Newborns
Newborns are little mysterious bundles of wonder. Here are 10 unusual facts about newborns.So what's life like when we exit our mother's womb and enter into the…

10 Famous Movie Misquotes
We all love quoting our favorite films but find out which ones you've been getting wrong with 10 famous movie misquotes.

10 Popular Foods That Are Illegal in America
In America, we have it pretty good when it comes to food. But there are certain things that can be experienced only in other countries. Here are 10 foods that a…

Top 10 Famous Jailed Celebrities
‘All that glitters is not gold’ we can definitely not deny this statement at any point , and it sits the best to our topic . It is interesting enough to know a…

10 Useless Body Parts
Check out which of your 10 body ports are virtually useless.Our bodies are intricate in nature. Every single part is supposed to have its own function, however …

Top 10 Awesome Movie Explosions
Top 10 Awesome Movie Explosions

Top 10 Rock 'n' Roll Movies
Top 10 Rock 'n' Roll Movies

Top 10 Classic Disney Animated Characters
Criteria: only animated characters before 1989, no villains.It all started with a mouse.List of Disney animated characters - Wikipedia

Top 10 Pink Floyd Songs
Formed in 1965 in London, England, Pink Floyd have distinguished themselves for their progressive and psychedelic rock sound, unique and extravagant live shows …

Top 10 Characters With Super Speed
Top 10 Characters With Super Speed

Top 10 Sexiest Music Videos
These videos got us all hot and bothered.

Top 10 Fighters of All Time
They're the men you don't wanna meet in the ring or on the street.

10 Stupid Reasons To Get Fired
Losing your job is never nice especially when you're one of the people on this list. Here's 10 stupid reasons to get fired.

Top 10 TV Detectives
Criteria: traditional detectives, no superheros.When they've got their eye on you... You're in trouble.

10 Bizarre Christmas Traditions From Around The World
Want a Kentucky Fried Christmas or how about just punching your neighbour in the face? Then you need to check out these 10 bizarre Christmas traditions from aro…

Top 10 Monty Python Movie Moments
It's classy and crude, clever and confusing.Top 10 Monty Python Movie Moments.

Top 10 Workout Songs
These tunes will keep you entertained while you get fit.

Top 10 Movies That You Have To Watch Twice
When you aren't into straightforward Hollywood films packed with romance, comedy, drama or action, you appreciate flicks that are complex. That's right, we're t…
Top 10 Stanley Kubrick Movies
He always brought originality to his art.

10 Illegal Baby Names Alltime10s Alltime10
Think calling your child Stallion is legal? Find out here, along with 9 other baby names that have fallen foul of the law.

Top 10 Most Extreme Sports You Must Watch
Top 10 Most Extreme Sports You Must Watch

Top 10 funniest TV ads
Top 10 funniest TV ads

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movie Duels
Sometimes the best fights are fought mano a mano.

Top 10 Book To Film Adaptations
Books can make great movies.
10 Weapons That Could Wipe Out Life On Earth
10 Future Weapons That Need To Be Banned. These ten weapons might seem like the stuff of science fiction, but they could easily become a destructive reality. …
These are the most insane E-Bikes available now. LINKS SUPER 73 https://www.lithiumcycles.com/product... GREYP G12 http://www.greyp.com/coming-soon BULTACO BRICO http://bultaco.com/en/ TREFECTA E-BIKE https://www.trefectamobility.com/ CARBON SU…
Funny African
Only in The Africa :). You must see This Funny Pictures of Funny African People direct from The Africa… …
10 Horrifyingly Awkward Boob Modifications
The bigger, the better? You may change your mind after viewing the photos of horrifyingly awkward boob modifications. It’s hard to believe we live among people who think getting huge breasts is a cool thing. BB Gunns The American stripper and ad…

These are the most insane E-Bikes available now. LINKS SUPER 73 https://www.lithiumcycles.com/product... GREYP G12 http://www.greyp.com/coming-soon BULTACO BRICO http://bultaco.com/en/ TREFECTA...
- Waterfall Swing
Innovative swing with computer sensors allows people to swing through the waterfall without getting wet. Waterfall Swing analyzes speed of the rider and creates holes in water. Source
- 18 Stubborn Homeowners
These are 18 of the most stubborn homeowners in the world! 8. Narita, Japan Farmers In Narita, Japan, a collection of farmers took umbrage to the fact that their lands happened to coincide with th...
- Crankin' Up the 3-String Shovel Guitar!
International touring and recording artist Justin Johnson has been hailed by Guitar World as a “must-see act”, dubbed “The Wizard” for his mastery of stringed instruments, and recognized as Slidestoc...
- Yoga workout Yoga Pants & Hot Girls stretch tight Yoga Poses Flexibility Workout
Yoga workout Yoga Pants & Hot Girls stretch tight Yoga Poses Flexibility Workout (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).pu...
- 10 WEIRD Things made out of GOLD
Have you ever sat and pondered what you would do if you have an exorbitant amount of money? Ponder no longer! With your mass of money, you’re going to enjoy the luxuries of any of these ten extremely...
- Minority Women Celebrate Folk Festival for Long Hair
Women of Yao ethnic group combed hair by a river. [Xinhua] Women from the Yao ethnic minority in Huangluo Yao Village, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, celebrated the first Long Hair F...
- Dog Collar Museum
Museum showcases canine neckwear spanning five centuries of doggie fashion and function Serving many purposes, from identification to functioning as a leash anchor to showcasing the latest in canine...
- The street sign repeatedly stolen due to sexual meaning
A street name that shares a slang meaning with a hole in the wall designed for sexual gratification keeps getting stolen. People who live on Glory Hole Drive in the El Dorado County mountains in Cam...
- Heliotrope: The World's First Energy Positive Solar Home
The Heliotrope is an environmentally friendly house designed by the German architect Rolf Disch who also designed the Sonnenschiff (Sun Ship). Three such houses exist in Germany, the first experime...
- Sulabh International Museum of Toilets
Photo credit: www.sulabhtoiletmuseum.org In a quiet courtyard in the suburbs of New Delhi, inside a low-slung concrete building, the assistant curator and guides of Sulabh International Museum of Toi...
- Disney Designer's Graystone Manor Theme Park in La Canada
La Canada-Flintridge, California's Graystone Manor was originally built in 1937, but in 1971, Disney theme park designer Robert F. McDonnell and his family started remodeling it and kept touching it ...
Guinness World Records
- Most full contact punch strikes in one minute
Robert Ardito from the Wing Chun Kung Fu school went head-to-head with karate expert Dwayne Pearson for the record Most full contact punch strikes in one minute, on the set of Guinness World Records,...
- Most number of candles extinguished by farts
Gerard Jesse of the Philippines has broken a world record by breaking wind.Mr. Jesse is seen in the video below blowing out 5 candles with a series of farts, aided by a long tube and a very brave frie...
- Goalkeeper dog sets record (Guinness World Record)
Purin is an extremely talented 9-year-old female Beagle and a double record holder who is described as cool, competitive, easy-going and positive by her proud owner Makoto Kumagai (Japan).The fluffy g...
- Most fingers and toes on a living person
The most fingers and toes (polydactylism) on a living person is 28, which belong to Devendra Suthar, and was confirmed in Himatnagar,Gujarat, India on 11 November 2014.Devendra Suthar has 14 fingers a...
- The longest bicycle in the world
Setting themselves a challenge to get into the Guinness World Records annual, members of Dutch cycling organisation the Mijl Van Mares Werkploeg built the Longest bicycle in the world, measuring an as...
Top 10
- 10 Weapons That Could Wipe Out Life On Earth
10 Future Weapons That Need To Be Banned. These ten weapons might seem like the stuff of science fiction, but they could easily become a destructive reality. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoo...
- 10 Worst Prisons In History
How far should you go to keep dangerous criminals in check? From inmates turning to cannibalism, to the modern day dungeon that practices genital electrocution. AllTime10s reveals the worst prisons...
- Top 10 Weird and Unusual Shaped Boats
Looking back I have been to rather a lot of boat shows and events for someone who doesn’t know how to swim and doesn’t own a boat. But if I did know how to swim and I did own a boat I would probably ...
- 10 Weirdest Festivals From Around The World
"From the Japanese penis festival to the annual goat throwing festival in Spain, these bizarre festivals from around the world are built upon centuries of tradition and history. Tourists from ...
- 10 Things You Didn't Know About Superman
The man of steel is the world's most iconic superhero, but did you know that Superman helped bring down the real life KKK, or that his sex could kill Lois Lane? With the 2016 blockbuster, Batma...
- 10 Strangely Cool British Traditions Still Practiced Today
In modern times many customs have been cast aside, existing only in stories about how things used to be. Not all of them, though.Here are 10 strangely cool UK traditions practiced to this day.Number 1...
list 25
- 25 Amazing Things You Probably Didn't Know About Africa
The second largest continent on Earth is a bit of an exotic mystery to most people. So get ready, because from the languages to the people these are 25 amazing things you probably didn’t know about Af...
- 25 Amazing Things You Probably Didn't Know About Africa
The second largest continent on Earth is a bit of an exotic mystery to most people. So get ready, because from the languages to the people these are 25 amazing things you probably didn’t know about Af...
- 25 Crazy Things You’ll Only Find In Chinese Walmarts
Not surprising, the Walmarts in China are not like most Walmarts around the world…not at all. Today, we are going to show you a form of “cultural shock” wrapped in a big box retailer. You think that W...
- 25 Crazy Things You Will Only Find In Japan
Japan has always been popular for being technologically one step ahead the rest of the world. The unfavorable geographical and natural conditions of the country have made the Japanese an extremely inv...
- 25 Incredible People With Real Superpowers
Did you know that people with real superpowers actually exist? People who possess incredible sight, stamina, and durability. But that’s not all. Some even possess the ability to project energy, have a...
- 25 Crazy And Outrageous Competitions
Humans, by nature, are competitive. If something can be turned into a competition then it probably has. We’re sure that you’re familiar with the Olympics, the Little League World Series, and the Ironm...
Foto zabavnik
- Men’s Fashion: Looking Stupid On The Runway
Who doesn’t want to be stylish and gorgeous? All of us want the complete package. We follow the latest trends from the runways; we buy expensive clothes, we dream to look like catwalk models. No doubt...
- Funny African
Only in The Africa :). You must see This Funny Pictures of Funny African People direct from The Africa… (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle...
- 10 Horrifyingly Awkward Boob Modifications
The bigger, the better? You may change your mind after viewing the photos of horrifyingly awkward boob modifications. It’s hard to believe we live among people who think getting huge breasts is a cool...
- Gigantic Wooden Sculptures Made Using Simple Wood Debris
Every day, Thomas Dambo goes out to recover the used pieces of wood in his hometown of Copenhagen. He offers a new life to this wooden debris to create amazing sculptures that upset our sense of prop...
- These Graves From Around The World Are Sweet, Strange And Just Bizarre
Graveyards are creepy places to be, there's no way around that. Sometimes though, the gravestones can be so much spookier than the graveyard itself. Takes these 23 graves for example. They're the str...
- Street Dentists In India
Will you let them do your teeth for free? INDIA (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogl...
- 25 Funny Photos of People Wearing Really Stupid Outfits
Some of these images reach the height of extreme WTF and literally scream for an explanation. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle =...
- Balconies in Russia
Many apartment buildings residents had a concrete balcony that added extra fifty to sixty square feet to the apartment’s total floor space. Many residents enclosed their balconies with glass windows, ...
- Smiješna imena gradova
Posjetite li ikad neko od ovih mjesta, stanite na trenutak i slikajte se za uspomenu. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_a...
- The Ugliest Wedding Dresses Ever
Most women spend days, if not weeks, choosing the perfect wedding dress for the big day. However, some brides don’t really care what they’re going to wear for the wedding and these photos prove it. ...
- Blonde FAILS
Well we have misunderstood for so many years the blondes behaviors, we don’t know if the reason or blame falls over the high amounts of peroxid they are exposed for almost half of a year, or maybe it...
- people taking baths in them favorite foods
There is some food which every people loves to eat, for example if you are fan from cereal you always want to eat cereal, and of course in your supermarket list thats the first food you shall put in ...
- Funny Bikes You Have Never Been Seen Before
Funny Bikes You Have Never Been Seen Before Source (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogl...
- Extraordinary Flexible Women's Ever
Extraordinary Flexible Women's Ever (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygo...
- Sexy Magician Makes A Sausage Disappear
Ah, wonder and mystery of magic! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle |...
- Woman Mistakenly Washes The Inside Of Her Car With A Power Washer
What does she think she's doing? Steam cleaning? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = windo...
- Motorcycle Fail Win Compilation
Funny videos - Motorcycle Fails Wins compilation 2016. The best motorcycle videos and funny fails/wins compilation of January 2016. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ...
- Oddest jobs in india you won’t believe exist - Ear cleaner
You think you have landed up in a bad job? Think about it.A ear cleaner examine's people’s ear, use a long brass pick, and then clean the ear wax completely. Tough job!
- Top 10 cleaning jobs in India
In all the diversity of India, beauty and cleanliness co-exist with ugliness and dirt. But we have many who helped us clean up. 10. The neighbourhood Dhobi or the Washermen is better than your regular...
- It Happens Only In India
India is a country situated in the southern part of Asia. It is a beautiful country known for its rich culture and traditions. In this post we are not going to talk about the greatness of India in fac...
- Most Funny Dog Fails Compilation 2015-2016
Funny dogs sometimes making us smiling than they do some stupid things. Dogs are very lovely pets. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push...
- The Luckiest People In The World
The compilation of some incredible lucky people. Some of them were so near to the death but they still alive with little or without injuries. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbyg...
- Pas za kosilicom!
Novinarka Andrea Martinez izvještavala je za lokalnu TV stanicu KYTX o posljedicama prolaska tornada kroz američku saveznu državu Teksas.Tornado je iza sebe ostavio uništena imanja, kao i smeće koje j...
- Humor kojem ne treba prevod: Pečurka kao mikrofon!
Nepisano pravilo kaže da je pola sata provedenih "u programu" ravno punom osmočasovnom radnom vremenu. Voditelji tome, ponekad, plate danak. Ne govorite turski? Ovoga voditelja ćete sigurno ...
- Ples policajca u liftu hit na internetu
Video u kojem američki policajac Tony Scherb pleše objavljen je na Facebook i YouTube stranicama šerifove kancelarije, a za sedam dana je pregledan više od dva miliona puta.Nakon 29 godina službe zamj...
- Goalkeeper dog sets record (Guinness World Record)
Purin is an extremely talented 9-year-old female Beagle and a double record holder who is described as cool, competitive, easy-going and positive by her proud owner Makoto Kumagai (Japan).The fluffy g...
- Best Jesus Pranks
Since everyone asked for it, here it is, the Best Of Jesus Pranks! Please feel free to enjoy!This video may contain Jesuses... but also:Jesus Walks On WaterJesus SavesJesus FishermanJesus Multiplies B...
- Impossibly Fast Growing Christmas Tree Gag
Pedestrians are asked to help with some special plant feeding formula to help a tree grow. Unfortunately, it seems they pour way too much into the soil, and the crazy, magic tree actually starts growi...
- Sexy Grandpa Carwash
These grandpas are ready to break the internet with their sexy car-washing moves...
- Animal Concerto Prank
Mini Mozart kid trained a bunch of birds to sing classical music. The little musical genius boy conducts the birds to perform in their cages for prank victims passing by. Then he walks off like a boss...
- Bridezilla? No, just Gorilla Bride
The newly married couple is posing for the photo, but the bride forgot her bouquet on the park bench. As people walk up from behind her to hand it to her, she turns around and scares the poop out of t...
- Accidental Matador Prank
Being a matador is scary stuff. Being a matador by accident is even scarier. When you hold up a red blanket in a park, you shouldn't be surprised when you come face to face with a raging bull.
- Sexy Lingerie Nun Poster
Pedestrians are surprised to find out the religious billboard they are washing is one showing a sexy nun in undergarments.
- Weird Japanese Commercials
Japan certainly never fails to impress with the weirdness of their commercials. The following "weird japanese ads" prove that there are somethings you just can't understand from the land of ...
- Funny Ads Commercials From Thailand - Compilation 2015
Very funny Ads Commercials From Thailand - Compilation 2015
- Ikea Commercial: A Fat Dog
Ikea and advertising agency Buzzman from Paris have released this hilarious video spot recently.The commercial features a man, who has an exceptionally fat dog. The poor thing is unable to walk, let a...
- Zbog ove reklame će zaigrati srce svakom poljoprivredniku
Kako bi kupce uvjerili u svježinu svojih proizvoda, jedan njemački supermarket je snimio reklamu, pravu adrenalinsku bombu.
- Weird, Funny & Cool Japanese Commercials #7
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials
- Weird, Funny & Cool Japanese Commercials #8
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials
- Weird, Funny & Cool Japanese Commercials #5
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials
- Weird, Funny & Cool Japanese Commercials #2
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials
- Break Dance Kid
Persil Commercial: Break Dance KidPersil has released this brilliant commercial recently.The spot is part of the “Dirt is Good” campaign, which has been running for a while now. This time it features ...
- Dramatic GIFs of People Who Are Incredibly Lucky To Be Alive
The man who played chicken with a train This fireman The guy almost hit by a falling sign The man just trying to cross the road This unimpressed onlooker The luckiest kid eve...
- Dramatic GIFs of People Who Are Incredibly Lucky To Be Alive
The man who played chicken with a trainThis firemanThe guy almost hit by a falling signThe man just trying to cross the roadThis unimpressed onlookerThe luckiest kid everThe guy saved by a treeA...
- 10 Muscly GIFs That Are Real Proud Of Their Muscles
Some strong muscles > other strong muscles.Source
- 25 Gifs Of The Luckiest People On Earth
Whether it is winning at sport betting or just getting the very last piece of our favorite chocolate at a store shelf, we all (ok, at least most of us) have good luck sometimes. However, there are peo...
- GIFs Of Crazy Soldier Bloopers And Wacky Police Blunders
You have NO IDEA how hard their job can be.viaviaviaviaviaviaviaviaviaviaviaviavia
- The Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone
"Papa Was a Rollin' Stone" is a psychedelic soul song, written by Motown songwriters Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong as a single for Motown act The Undisputed Truth in 1971. This version...
- If I Were A Carpenter
"If I Were a Carpenter" is a song written by Tim Hardin. Hardin's recording appeared on his 1967 album Tim Hardin 2. The song has been covered a number of times by other artists.Robert Plant...
- The Contours - Do You Love Me
"Do You Love Me" is a 1962 hit single recorded by The Contours for Motown's Gordy Records label.Written and produced by Motown CEO Berry Gordy, Jr., "Do You Love Me?" was the Conto...
- David Bowie - Rebel Rebel
"Rebel Rebel" is a song by David Bowie, released in 1974 as a single and on the album Diamond Dogs.Cited as his most-covered track,it was effectively Bowie's farewell to the glam rock moveme...
- Summertime Blues- Eddie Cochran
"Summertime Blues" is a song co-written and recorded by American rockabilly artist Eddie Cochran.It was written by Cochran and his manager Jerry Capehart. Originally a single B-side, it was ...
- Ruby Tuesday - Melanie Safka
Melanie Anne Safka-Schekeryk (born February 3, 1947) is an American singer-songwriter.Known professionally as Melanie, she is best known for her hits "Brand New Key", "Ruby Tuesday"...
- Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye - Steam
"Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" is a song written and recorded by Paul Leka, Gary DeCarlo and Dale Frashuer, attributed to a then-fictitious band they named "Steam". It was releas...
- How do you do - Mouth and MacNeal
"How Do You Do" released in 1971 was an international hit single for Dutch duo Mouth & MacNeal. It was #1 in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland and New Zealand.It also spent ...
- Eruption - One Way Ticket
Eruption were a popular disco, R&B and soul band in the 1970s and 1980s.They are best known for their covers of Ann Peebles's "I Can't Stand the Rain" and Neil Sedaka's "One Way Tic...
- Trio -- Da Da Da
After it was released by the German band Trio in 1982, the dance-pop song “Da da da, ich lieb’ dich nicht du liebst mich nicht aha aha aha” (thankfully often shortened to just “Da Da Da”) experienced ...
- Art Company - Susanna
"Suzanne" (titled as "Susanna" for the English version) is a single by Dutch band VOF de Kunst also known as The Art Company, released in 1983.The song reached number one on the Si...
- Aphrodite's Child - Rain & Tears
Aphrodite's Child was a Greek progressive rock band formed in 1967, by Vangelis Papathanassiou (keyboards), Demis Roussos (bass guitar and vocals), Loukas Sideras (drums and vocals), and Silver Koulou...
- Marina - Rocco Granata
Rocco Granata (born 16 August 1938) is a Italian-Belgian singer, songwriter, and accordionist.Granata was born in Figline Vegliaturo, Calabria, southern Italy; but his parents immigrated to Belgium wh...
- Chubby Checker-The Twist
"The Twist" is an American pop song written and originally released in early 1959 by Hank Ballard and the Midnighters as a B-side to "Teardrops on Your Letter".Ballard's version wa...
- Percy Sledge - When a Man Loves a Woman
"When a Man Loves a Woman" is a song written by Calvin Lewis and Andrew Wright which was recorded by Percy Sledge in 1966 at Norala Sound Studio in Sheffield, Alabama. It made number one on ...
- 24000 Baci - Adriano Celentano
Adriano Celentano born 6 January 1938) is an Italian singer, composer, producer, comedian, actor, film director and TV host.The song reached 2nd place at the Sanremo Music Festival 1961.Peak chart pos...
- Gloria - Umberto Tozzi
"Gloria" is a 1979 love song that became an international hit. The song was originally written and composed in Italian by Umberto Tozzi and Giancarlo Bigazzi, and afterwards translated to En...
- Volare - Domenico Modugno - Nel blu dipinto di blu
"Nel blu dipinto di blu" (Italian pronunciation: [nel ˈblu ddiˈpinto di ˈblu]; literally "In the blue that is painted blue"), popularly known as "Volare" [voˈlaːre] (mean...
- Ode to Joy - Flash Mob Started by One Little Girl
One Little Girl Innocently Starts a Remarkable Orchestral Flashmob Playing ‘Ode to Joy’Mention classical music to most people and they won’t be interested in it. However just occasionally you will fin...
- Flash Mob - El Brindis de la Traviata de Verdi
Flash Mob en TEDxRiodelaPlata 2013 - El Brindis de la Traviata de Verdi
- Star Wars Flashmob in Cologne / Germany
On the 1st of October the WDR Radio Orchestra mingled with the crowds on Cologne Wallrafplatz and surprised with well-known tones from a galaxy far, far away....google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456...
- Wasamba Flash Mob - Forrest Chase
Wasamba and the Eco Faeries, flash mobbed the centre of Perth.Loud, energetic, and took Forrest place completely by surprise.
- Flash Mob Blues Brothers - Peschiera del Garda
Peter Gunn dei Blues Brothers, performed by 6 bands in the European country Italy to Peschiera del Garda in the province of Verona city.
- 10 More Strange Canned Foods11 Aug 20160
1 Sheep Head Canned or fresh, you couldn't pay us! (Source) 2. Brown Bread Bread in a can? Who would have thought it? By all accounts, one of the tastiest items on our list and perfect for camping...
- Stormtrooper Toaster11 Aug 20160
Star Wars inspired bread toaster looks like iconic helmet of a Stormtrooper. Stormtrooper Toaster makes toasts with Galactic Empire logos. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).pu...
- Watermelon carving demonstration07 Aug 20160
How to make a beautiful peace of art from watermelon. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle =...
- Taiwan Invents Square Watermelon Bread02 Jun 20160
In one of the weirdest and most confusing food mash-ups we’ve ever seen, a Taiwanese bakery has invented a loaf of bread that looks just like the equally bizarre square watermelons popular in Japan. ...
- Oiver i Stevo - Male tajne VMK16 Apr 20160
"Male tajne velikih majstora kuhinje", recept: "Mornarski rižoto", gost Oliver Dragojević, emisija iz 1987.Male tajne 1987, Mornarski rižoto
- The Black Boiled Eggs of Owakudani – A Japanese Delicacy28 Mar 20162
Photo: Rosie TulipsOwakudani, also known as the ‘Great Boiling Valley’, is a large volcanic caldera that formed 3,000 years ago when Mount Hakone erupted. The explosion was so powerful that the area i...
- Stovetop Pizza Oven05 Feb 20160
Innovative pan allows you to easily cook delicious pizza on the gas stovetop.Stovetop Pizza Oven heats up to 600 F in 15 minutes and perfectly cooks fresh hot pizza in less than 6 minutes. Source
- 10 Of The World’s Hottest Foods24 Oct 20150
If you’re among those who can down hot sauce like water and think jalapeño peppers are refreshing, then these dishes and foodstuffs may be right up your alley.Here are 10 of the world’s hottest foods....
- Divided Pan12 Oct 20150
Innovative frying pan with 5 sections will help you quickly prepare a full meal.Cook up to five different foods at once with the Master Pan skillet.
- Modern Toilet Restaurant28 Sep 20150
Would you eat in this Poo-Poo & Pee-Pee Themed Restaurant in Taiwan?It shouldn’t surprise you that one of Taiwan’s most successful theme restaurant franchises is Modern Toilet, a celebration of al...
- Naked Sushi Lady26 Sep 20150
In Hanover Germany, something fishy is going on at the sushi Island bar.
- Turkish Street Food - Street Food in Turkey - Istanbul19 Sep 20150
Turkish Street Food - Street Food in Turkey - Istanbul
- Evo kako ubrizgavaju otrov u lubenice da bi bile slađe!!08 Aug 20150
Na snimku je prikazano kako lubenica, koju ovih dana jedemo, je pumpana raznim hemijskim supstancamaPoslije ovog snimka, više nikada nećemo biti sigurni šta tačno jedemo. Na snimku je prikazano kako s...
- Top 10 Awful Facts About McDonalds10 Jul 20150
You know that McDonald’s is kind of evil, because there are more column inches and pseudo-scientific documentaries dedicated to that fact than there are as to whether or not jet fuel can burn hot enou...
- The Las Vegas woman ate 38 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes06 Jul 20150
Defending champion wins women’s hot dog eating competitionDefending champion Miki Sudo has won the women’s division of the annual July Fourth hot dog eating contest at Nathan’s Famous in Coney Island....
- Kušali su najsmrdljivije jelo: 'Kao kanalizacija u konzervi!'04 Jul 20150
Surströmming je fermentirana haringa i švedski specijalitet koji slovi za daleko najsmrdljivije jelo na svijetu. Ovako to izgleda kada ga kušaju zapadnjaci iz SAD-aUkoliko na YouTubeu pretražujete poj...
- Kao iz bajke: Naizgled obična torta, ali kad se svijetla ugase...23 Jun 20150
Izbor torte za svadbeno vjenčanje uvijek je zahtjevan posao, jer sve mora da bude bajkovito. A upravo je potpuno bajkovita torta koju ćete vidjeti u videu ispod.
- Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest22 Jun 20150
The Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest is an annual American hot dog competitive eating competition. It is held each year on Independence Day at Nathan's Famous Corporation's original, and best-known res...
- Top 10 Most Expensive Foods in the World22 Jun 20150
From hot chocolate infused with five grams of edible gold to fish eggs harvested from the rare albino beluga we countdown the 10 most expensive foods in the world.Countdown List:#10 Bombay Brassiere's...
- Italijani napravili najdužu picu na svijetu - kilometar i po!22 Jun 20150
Italijani su ove subote srušili svjetski rekord napravivši najdužu pizzu na svijetu. Margerita koju su ispekli bila je duga 1,5 kilometar.Pizza je predstavljena na manifestaciji Milan 2015. Expo gdje ...
- Strange Food Special!31 May 20150
People would eat the darnedest things, depending on their cultural background and love of unique experiences. The point of this page is to find the food that is not necessarily disgusting (in most cas...
- Japanka pojela tri kilograma tjestenine za jedan obrok30 May 20150
Japanka Kinošita Juka je na YouTube-u objavila snimak na kojem se vidi kako je za jedan obrok pojela tri kilograma Chow Meina, koji se pravi od tjestenine, povrća i mesa. Kinošita je poznata po tome š...
- Scientists cook the perfect steak with lava25 May 20150
If you're ever bored of barbecuing, scientists from Syracuse University in the US have come up with the perfect alternative for your next backyard get together: lava grilling. Just ignore the fact tha...
- Akebia quinata19 May 20150
Akebia quinata (Chocolate Vine or Five-leaf Akebia) is a shrub that is native to Japan, China and Korea, and naturalized in the eastern United States from Georgia to Michigan to Massachusetts.It grows...